From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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Zombies and copyright

Zombies and copyright

- [Instructor] Copyright lawyer Kohel Haver isn't just a good attorney, he's also very witty. So in the process of asking him various copyright questions, the topic of zombies and copyright came up. And this may have inspired the most important question of them all, and that is what happens to your copyright if you're bitten by a zombie? Here's Kohel's response. - [Kohel] Zombie question is a little bit more complicated - Sure. - Because, technically, you are not dead. So your copyright then would last forever, plus 70 years. - [Instructor] To sum up what Kohel said, copyright is forever if you're a zombie, plus 70 years. And to come to think about it, maybe this explains the Mickey Mouse question. Who knows?
