From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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Why register a copyright?

Why register a copyright?

- [Instructor] Even though you own the copyright to your artwork by default as the creator, doesn't mean you shouldn't register your copyright officially, you should. So, why register a copyright? Well here is one good reason why you should register a copyright. I created this original expression back in 2007. It was a mascot for a school down in Arizona, the Black Hawks, and this is probably the most infringed artwork I've ever created probably because the theme is so general, being a hawk. It's been used as an eagle as well. But I was notified that this was being infringed upon by somebody who was driving home from work and saw this billboard and they took a photograph of it and sent them to me and it's my exact artwork being used by a radio station in their identify. The station was called The Hawk. So how did I respond to this? Well, I simply created a very reasonable letter that I sent to the manager of this radio…
