From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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Real-world responses

Real-world responses

- [Narrator] On the high seas of the internet, pirates abound. So in this movie, I'm going to share with you some of my real world responses. Because copyright infringement isn't a matter of if, it's just a matter of when. So let's take a look at several responses to sole proprietors. Here is some artwork I did several years ago, actually for a course on this same tribal style. Even though fanatics love this style, it's also been infringed upon by other people who aren't specifically fanatics. And, I just love how this guy used this artwork on his website, and he's actually selling the digital file as a download, and he's bothered to point out the fact that this product is protected under copyright law. Well, yes it is. But, not your copyright. It's my copyright. So, in regards to this infringement, I could handle this with a simple reasonable response letter, sent via email. I reinforced it by giving…
