From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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Using social media

Using social media

- [Instructor] This next type of response, I'll admit, is unorthodox but yet effective. It's responding to infringement using social media. I should point out that I rarely use this method alone. I usually document an infringement by capturing the usage via screen grabs, or downloading images, then I send a reasonable email notification to the infringer asking them to remove or stop using my copyrighted artwork. Then, I bolster that response with a social media post to re-enforce it. So once again, here's my lion graphic that I created several years ago, and someone was selling this on eBay in a bunch of different ways, and I was getting frustrated with their inane system of reporting. What I mean by that, is you have to jump through all these hoops to report and flag something as problematic. It should be a simple link that you click once, you notify them of an infringement, but usually it's more complicated than that. But I…
