From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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Can you copyright parody?

Can you copyright parody?

- [Instructor] Parody is protected by the First Amendment as a form of expression. And in context of copyright, falls under the fair use exemption to combat claims of copyright infringement. This dictionary does a good job defining the term parody an imitation of style of a particular writer, artist or genre, with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect. Similar terms to parody or satire or burlesque or lampoon, et cetera. But you may be thinking, can you copyright parody? Well the quick answer is yes you can. Let me show you one real world matter. I had to address that involved a work of parody I created, and that is this one. So one morning I came into my office, I opened up my email and I had received an email from a designer that I didn't know, but they were familiar with my work. And they said, "Hey, I saw this character on this site and I recognized it looked just like the character you had created years ago, and I…
