From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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- [Instructor] In 2002 I started my own design firm, Glitschka Studios. Between then and now my artwork has been infringed upon over 450 times that I've been made aware of. That's a conservative number because it's probably happened more than that and I just never discovered it. Frankly I stopped counting several years ago and now just deal with it whenever I'm made aware of an infringement. I say that because I don't go looking for those who are infringing upon my copyrighted artwork. I'd rather spend my time creating new art like this instead. Most often I find out about an infringement from a person who notices my work being used by an individual or a company and they simply email me to let me know about it. Infringement is the central theme in context of copyright. And this subject matter isn't new. It's been happening for a very long time. In fact the copyright clause was incorporated into United States constitution…
