From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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- [Instructor] In conclusion, most creative people are very passionate about the artwork and design they produce. They thrive within the creative process that brings their ideas to life. And if you ask them what's more enjoyable, the process of creating or the final art it produces? Their response will almost always be the process, because that is what sustains inspiration. True joy comes from creating. And it's no surprise that creative is excited to share their new work with the world. And when their copyright is infringed upon, it can become a very distressing situation to handle. I hope the simple methods and information in this course have equipped you to better protect your work. Demonstrated how to effectively respond to those ripping you off. And answered some of the most common questions related to copyright. You invest a lot of time creating your work so I encourage you to keep diligent in protecting your copyright,…
