From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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How long does a copyright last?

How long does a copyright last?

- [Narrator] Registering your copyright provides you with bonuses that will protect your work. But it begs a question, how long does a copyright last? Will it expire? Do I have to keep updating and paying for my registration each year? So let's ask Kohel Haver another question. How long does copyright last? Here's what he had to say. Remember, an individual or business can register a copyright for a single image, and that registered copyright lasts for a lifetime plus 70 years for an individual, and lasts 95 years for a business, and the copyright provides damages up to $150,000 for a willful infringement per image. Also, an individual or a business can register a copyright for a group of images, and that copyright lasts for a lifetime plus 70 years for an individual, and lasts 95 years for a business. And once again, the copyright provides damages up to $150,000 for a willful infringement per image. But remember, when it…
