From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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When to contact a lawyer

When to contact a lawyer

- [Instructor] In context of copyright, you always have to consider when to contact a lawyer. Thankfully, in the United States, our copyright laws are such that we can usually respond to most copyright infringements without the need of hiring a lawyer, but at some times, as you saw in my real-world response examples, infringers don't always respond to our legal demands regarding copyright and that's when you better call Saul or, in my case, Kohel. So, my next question for Kohel Haver is an obvious one. When should a person contact a copyright attorney? Here's his response. - [Kohel] If you've registered your copyright and I'm assuming that you have, then when you need to enforce your work and either you're frustrated, because you can't get the infringer, the person that's taking your work without permission, to comply with your demands. You've sent them a letter, saying, "Pay me for that." You've sent them a cease and…
