From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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DMCA response letter

DMCA response letter

- [Instructor] The next response method is a DMCA response letter. This type of response was created by The Digital Millennial Copyright Act which is also referred to as the DMCA. So it's the official format for responding to infringers online. A DMCA response letter contains six pieces of information that an individual or company has to legally respond to and act upon. So let's review those. The first piece of information that needs to be included in a DMCA response letter is a physical or electronic signature. The second piece is to identify the copyrighted work. The third is to identify the copyright infringement. The fourth is to provide the copyright owners contact information. The fifth is a good faith statement that you created and own the artwork in question. And the sixth is a statement that the information you've provided above is all accurate. Now I personally add a seventh piece of information on mine and…
