From the course: Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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Business entities

Business entities

- [Instructor] The third category of infringer is what I refer to as business entities. Remember, copyright infringement is almost always an individual choice, so it's a person who either owns or works for an incorporated business. It could also be a sole proprietor who originally infringed and sold the work to an incorporated business as a freelancer as well. Regarding the latter, you always address infringement from the source of discovery. If an incorporated business is using your artwork without permission, then you address that company directly, regardless if it was a sole proprietor who sold the infringed work to them. It's their responsibility to vet their own sources. That said, I always ask a business entity who sold them my artwork, so I can prevent further infringements. But most often, they're unwilling to provide that information, and the DMCA doesn't require them to disclose it, which is a bit frustrating, and…
