From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

What is technical SEO? - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

What is technical SEO?

Imagine your website as a house you must build from the ground up. Before even thinking about furniture, decor, and accessories, you must decide on architecture and mechanicals. The same applies to SEO. The technical part guarantees your website has a solid, stable, well-built, and safe foundation to build on top of. After you have a stable foundation, you can consider content, design, buttons, links, and multimedia elements. In this lesson, you'll identify the core principles of technical SEO and how it's different from other SEO areas. Technical SEO is the process of making a website crawlable, indexable, and accessible by search engines. Its main purpose is to improve a site's visibility, rankings and therefore clicks. Implementing technical SEO involves first understanding different SEO elements and best practices then analyzing those elements and identifying areas for improvement and finally implementing those improvements directly on the website's CMS, server, or backend. Let's compare technical SEO to other types. Content SEO focuses on creating high quality and keyword rich content that is relevant to your target audience. And technical SEO is focused on the behind-the-scenes-elements of your website. That makes it easy for search engines to crawl and index your content. With technical SEO, you can review and improve website speed, meta elements, crawl ability, and index ability. Technical SEO helps identify areas for improvement in terms of mobile friendliness, broken links, sitemaps, and URL errors. Addressing these technical issues can improve your website's visibility and bring in more impressions, clicks, and potential clients. So next time you think about the importance of technical SEO, remember it's similar to building a house foundation. The more stable, robust, and accessible it is, the longer it can last and hold things.
