From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Page experience and mobile friendliness

Page experience and mobile friendliness - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

Page experience and mobile friendliness

Improving the page experience and mobile friendliness of your site can help you improve your user engagement and SEO rankings. After this lesson, you'll be able to describe how page experience and mobile friendliness work and how they improve engagement and SEO rankings. Page experience is a Google search ranking factor that lays out clear guidelines for grading your users experience. A positive experience ensures a website is easy to use and navigate with clear layouts, intuitive features, and relevant content. Google's core ranking systems look to reward content that provides a good page experience. If you want to succeed with Google, you should ask yourself the following questions. Are my pages served in a secure fashion? Does content display well for mobile devices? Does the page avoid having an excessive amount of ads? Do pages lack intrusive elements or banners? Can visitors easily navigate to or locate the main content of your pages? Is the page designed so visitors can easily…
