From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Measuring site performance

Measuring site performance - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

Measuring site performance

Ever wonder how to measure the impact of all of the SEO efforts you have been implementing on your site? There are tons of tools to measure site performance in terms of clicks, impressions, conversions, click through rates, et cetera. But Google Search Console is by far my favorite. At this point, you have already used this tool to fix indexation issues, test robots.txt files, submit sitemaps, and more. But after this lesson, you'll be able to measure your site performance using Google Search Console. Open up Google Search Console, and on the left sidebar, select the property you want to review. In the left bar, you have different reports that give you the details on your page overview, indexing, experience, schema, and security. The report you want to review is a performance report. You'll see a trend graph report that shows important metrics on how Google sees your site. This report will show you four main metrics. Clicks, the number of users that click on a result. Impressions…
