From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Have you ever loaded a web page only for your browser to show a warning about an insecure site? For many users, this will make them turn away and leave your site. After this lesson, you'll be able to adjust your WordPress site to become a secure site. Every website uses a Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP, designed to transfer information and load web pages using hypertext links. There are two types of protocols, HTTP and HTTPS. The main difference between the two protocols is that HTTPS is encrypted and secured using an SSL digital certificate while HTTP is not. When you visit our website using HTTPS, your connection to that site is encrypted. HTTPS encrypts and decrypts user page requests, and the page is returned by the web server. This protects against men-in-the-middle attacks and the confidentiality of data sent between the browser and the website. A website that is not secured has HTTP in its URL, while a secure one has HTTPS in it. To convert your website from HTTP to HTTPS,…
