From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Navigating WordPress

Navigating WordPress

According to W3 texts, 63% of all websites are built with WordPress. Since most websites on the Internet uses Content Management System or CMS to host and edit their website, learning how to use it is super important. In this lesson, I'm going to walk you through the WordPress dashboard and show you where the most important sections are and how to get to them. The cool thing about WordPress is that it has a very simple interface. You just need to know where to go. Also, it's very customizable since you can integrate plugins and themes. These extra resources give more power, features, and style to your page. So let's open up your WordPress dashboard. The first thing you see is a WordPress desktop where you find tutorials, guides, and updates. This section is nice to review once a month or so to see which new features you might want to try. There's a vertical sidebar on the left that lets you access all the features, settings, and tools. There's also a horizontal bar at the top that…
