From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Google Speed Insights

Google Speed Insights

Have you ever visited a website that takes forever to load? It's annoying, inefficient, and you wouldn't visit it again, right? That's exactly why Google created Google Speed Insights. This free web tool analyzes the content of a specific web page, and provides speed scores for both the mobile and desktop versions of a page. It's a perfect tool to know if your website meets Google Speed standards. It also provides details on how the search engine understands the technical performance of your page. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use Google Speed Insights to test, review, and improve your website speed and performance. Go to and input the page URL you want to analyze. I'll go ahead with my own. Once it runs, you'll notice you've got mobile and desktop versions to look at your speed on both devices. You'll notice that your site most of the time will perform much better on desktop and mobile. However, I recommend prioritizing the mobile score since Google crawls the…
