From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Boost your rankings with technical SEO

Boost your rankings with technical SEO - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

Boost your rankings with technical SEO

Congratulations. You can now add WordPress technical SEO to your resume. What a right spin! I hope you enjoyed learning the ins and outs of search engines and WordPress sites. You're now able to help businesses increase their search engine visibility and grow their revenue. The cool thing is that these skills can be transferred to other content management systems, and you can become a technical SEO pro in your industry, but don't stop here. The more specialized you are, the better opportunities you get. Also, make sure to stay current with the latest algorithm changes. SEO is a field in constant evolution. If you want to dive deeper into WordPress SEO, I recommend you read through the official WordPress documentation at Another great site is If you're interested in SEO consultancy, training, or career coaching, you can find me on LinkedIn or my website. Let's stay in touch. You are so awesome for getting to this point in the course. I'm sure this is…
