From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Implementing SEO elements in WordPress

Implementing SEO elements in WordPress - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

Implementing SEO elements in WordPress

Do you know what made WordPress so popular among the web community? It was the first Content Management System, or CMS, to offer an open-source system to build on. Since then, there's been a large and active community of developers who have created thousands of plugins, builders, and themes for WordPress. In this lesson, you'll understand the different ways WordPress sites are created and how technical SEO elements can be optimized with plugins. Before talking about SEO, consider how websites are built in a WordPress. WordPress is an open-source, flexible CMS where you can build, design, and edit a website in multiple ways. You can build and manage your site directly, customizing the core files and coding the necessary elements. You can also do it with a builder plugin, where you can use a drag and drop editor and create a customized website without coding. And lastly, you can work with a pre-designed theme. All you need to do is install it and add your own content. After a website is…
