From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Indexability and site architecture

Indexability and site architecture - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

Indexability and site architecture

Imagine a library where the books are all scattered around with no shelves or organization whatsoever. How will you even begin to find the book you're looking for? Luckily, your local library probably uses a Dewey Decimal System to arrange your books. The same happens with search engines. After crawling web pages, they have a disorganized collection of trillions of pages of web content. Crawlers already know what the content is about, but they're not able to organize them. With indexation, search engines are able to organize, categorize, and rank web content so users can find exactly what they're looking for in a matter of seconds. In this lesson, you'll learn how improving your website's indexability and site architecture helps search engines easily find and index your pages. In SEO terms, iIndexability means whether a web page can be found by search engines or not. Basically, if a search engine doesn't index a page, it won't be visible in search results. An index works similarly to…
