From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Introduction to crawlers

Introduction to crawlers - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

Introduction to crawlers

Have you ever wondered how search engines retrieve the exact information you're looking for among trillions of web pages? They do it. Thanks to web bots named crawlers. In this lesson, I'll explain what web crawlers are and what they do so you can understand how search engines use them to display search results. Our web crawler is an Internet bot that automatically browses a web by following links from one web page to another to learn what they're all about. For example, a web crawler will start crawling a site. Let's say it's It will read its home page content and extract every link inside. All of these links pointing to other pages or other domains will be added to the crawlers queue. Crawlers will then read and process each page and domain in the queue, and repeat the process until they crawl all the easily accessible pages. In fact, web crawlers can scan over 60 billion web pages every day. That's the same amount of content as the entire US Library of Congress…
