From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

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Fixing and improving meta elements

Fixing and improving meta elements - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO

Fixing and improving meta elements

Did you know that meta titles and descriptions are the first thing search engines read? They act as the storefront sign of your business. If they're not clear, concise, and attention-grabbing, people are less likely to come inside. In this lesson, you'll learn how to identify, fix, and improve meta elements. These let search engines know what your page is about and incentivize users to click through your search results. Meta elements, also known as meta tags, are snippets of code located in the head section of a page. They are mainly used to specify web elements such as page title, description, author, and more. They're important because they give search engines the information they need to understand what your site is about. And as you probably know by now, the more context you give search engines, the better it is for your website search results. Let's start with the most common and important meta tags, titles, and descriptions. A meta title is the headline that appears in the…
