From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Website analytics tools

Website analytics tools

- [Instructor] Let's discuss the top analytics tools for tracking the performance of your website to discover where users are going and where they're coming from so that you can tailor your marketing efforts more effectively in the future. The first tool that I'm going to talk about is Google Analytics. So right now, I'm at, and I'm actually logged in to one of my Google Analytics accounts. In a few minutes, we're going to talk about the Google Marketing Platform, which Google Analytics is built into. However, we need to start here because if you have a website, it is a must that you have Google Analytics set up. So with Google Analytics, you can see right now, we're just viewing how many pageviews I've gotten for the last year or so. But over here on the left, we can look at things like Audience, which will tell us some information about our audience, not as much as it used to because of legal…
