From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Video advertising platforms and tools

Video advertising platforms and tools

- [Instructor] When it comes to video advertising, there are a few more options in regards to tools and platforms than in some of the other marketing areas that we've already talked about in the course. So let's talk about the different platforms that you can use and which organizations will benefit the most, depending on their size and what they're looking for in terms of marketing goals. The first one that I'd like to mention is Google Ads. Now you'll notice that right now I'm at, but I'm at a very particular page. What I did is I went to this Campaigns and Tools dropdown and I clicked on the Video section. And so this is the page on Google Ads which tells us all about video advertising. I know I've already talked about Google Ads multiple times in this course, but when it comes to video advertising solutions, it would be remiss not to mention Google Ads. You can advertise on YouTube, you can advertise…
