From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Selecting the right marketing tool

Selecting the right marketing tool

- [Instructor] Before we start looking at specific tools that you can use to market digitally, let's talk about some tips for selecting the right digital marketing tools for your organization. There are a lot of different tools to choose from nowadays and it's important to look for tools that have a proven track record. There may be some great new tools out there that have just been released, but it's a good idea to see how those tools perform with other organizations before you decide to use them. We want to select tools that have already been proven effective and that have a track record of at least a few years, and those are going to be most of the tools that we're going to be looking at in this course. It's also important to take advantage of free trials when you can. This can be a great way to test the tool out before you decide to make a financial commitment to using it for your organization. We also want to…
