From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Display advertising platforms and tools

Display advertising platforms and tools

- [Instructor] When it comes to display advertising, it may seem like there are a lot of networks and options to choose from. When it comes down to it, however, there are only really a few big players, so let's take a look at who those players are in the display advertising industry. First and foremost, we have the champion, Google Ads. Google Ads definitely has the highest reach in regards to the number of websites available to display ads on. Here on the Google Ads website, we could actually start creating a campaign just by clicking on the blue start now button, and it would start walking us through the campaign creation guide. But at the same time, we can click on this campaigns and tools dropdown, and you'll notice that we can see all of the different features and options that we have with Google Ads. So on the left, we can see the places where we can display ads, we can do search ads, ads on websites via display…
