From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

Organic social media marketing platforms

- [Instructor] Let's talk about organic social media marketing, where you should be doing it, and some strategies to help you market effectively. Organic social media marketing is the use of unpaid social posts to increase awareness or build rapport for your organization. Organic social media marketing can be done on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn, and really any other platform where you can post status updates without paying to promote those posts. As I said earlier, these posts are generally used to increase awareness or build rapport. Let's talk about some considerations that you should be making in relation to organic social media marketing. First of all, authenticity is really important. Users should be able to get a feel for what your values are as an organization by browsing through your posts. Providing tips or solutions to problems for users is always a great way to build trust and improve relations with customers. Keep in mind that social media users are more savvy than they used to be, and they will quickly scan past posts that appears spammy, or to have too much of a sales pitch. It's also important to take into consideration the time investment that you are putting into your organic posts. Make sure that you're getting a good marketing ROI in regards to the time that you put in. When starting out, it may be a good idea to pick one or two social platforms, and to use those primarily as you start to build rapport so that you're not spending your time on a whole bunch of different platforms at once. Pick just a couple to focus on it first. Also, remember to establish some goals for your organic social media posts. What is it that you're looking to get out of social media? Are you trying to drive traffic to a website? Are you looking for direct sales? Or are you simply trying to build a following for future sales and promotions? By establishing goals, you can better assess the effectiveness of your efforts and tailor them more specifically in the future. If you can calculate your ROI in relation to your social posts, then you're really on the right track to developing a successful social media presence. As you'll see later on in the course, tools such as Hootsuite or Sprout Social can help you prepare posts for the future and post similar content across multiple platforms, potentially saving you time and money. Creating an organic social media presence provides an important backbone for your organization's digital footprint, and can be a great launchpad for future digital marketing campaigns.
