From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Content curation tools for digital marketing

Content curation tools for digital marketing

- [Instructor] In this video I'm going to discuss some of the top platforms for content curation. Content curation is one of my favorite forms of marketing. I spoke about managing your ROI earlier on in the course and I feel that content curation, as long as you're giving credit where credit is due, keeps your costs low and gets a good return on your time. You can provide value to your customers and potential customers without actually creating anything of your own. Content curation is a great way to save time and money and it's also great for building trust. To me that's what content curation is all about, building trust, showing users that you care about them enough to find the most valuable information and then to share it with them. So let's talk about some of the top content curation tools that you can use for marketing. Scoop.IT is one of your top content curation options. It's really easy to embed Scoop.IT lists…
