From the course: Product Management First Steps

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Talk to your users and non-users

Talk to your users and non-users

- The perfect time to find out what people think about your product is when it's released and in the market. The natural thing to do is to reach out to the users of your product, but that will only get you half of the story. There are a few groups you should contact when you want to get your feedback. Think of your audiences you need to talk to as a two-by-two grid. The columns are those that are current users and those that are not. The rows are those that are within your primary and secondary personas and those that are not. The obvious groups to talk to are users who fit your primary and secondary personas. You want to find out if the product solves their problems they told you existed, and if they're finding value in the product and will continue to be a user. It's also important to reach out to the individuals who fit your primary and secondary personas, but aren't users of your product. There are some key things you can ask to find out why they aren't users. Did they even know…
