From the course: Product Management First Steps

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Review your product plan

Review your product plan

- There is a lot to do in the planning phase for your product, so let's do a high level review of the steps in this phase. We'll note each step along the way and create a checklist you can use in the future. The planning phase begins by defining the overall schedule for the product. This includes the sprints that lead to the product's release and future updates. It's important to capture your current expectations. That way with each iteration, you'll see where you're under or overestimated portions of that plan and any trends that might emerge from the work you perform. Then each time you update the plan, you can share the changes you have made from last time and explain the rationale behind those changes. The next step is to identify the changing marketing conditions and prioritize features. This is another key thing to capture now and see how they change in the future. Marketing conditions might not be as you expected, and new ones might emerge that you can add at a later date. To…
