From the course: Product Management First Steps

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Develop a strong research plan

Develop a strong research plan

- A key part of performing research is to make sure you have all the corners covered. It is easy to do your research and then find out that there was something that was completely missed. Let me share some tips to help you know that your research plan is covering enough to help you with your product. Research needs to be an organized process. Think of it as a square, and let's start by dividing it into two columns, Quantitative and Qualitative. Quantitative research is the way to get a lot of data from a lot of people. It uses standardized questions and responses with no room for variation. The result is data that aligns to show trends and provide feedback, which can help direct your project. When you create a survey, consider the following things. How large is the entire population that you're going to evaluate? What margin of error are you comfortable with? What confidence level do you have for the reliability of the data? There is a formula that calculates all this, but here is…
