From the course: Product Management First Steps

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Research plan examples

Research plan examples

- A well-balanced research plan has two axes. One looks at data as being quantitative versus qualitative. The second looks at data coming from internal or external sources. Let's look at an example to help illustrate how these four quadrants can work to build a research plan. Let's say we have an app that allows you to chat with your family members in a private group. You're trying to find out what to do in the next major version of the app. You have been working on small improvements, but your app isn't performing very well in the app store. If we use our grid, we can look at sources that are quantitative internal data, quantitative external data, qualitative internal data, and qualitative external data. Inside of our current app, there are anonymous analytic tools that report what sections of an app people are using, which features are used, and how long people use the app. This quantitative internal data might indicate that sections of your app aren't used much at all, or after…
