From the course: Product Management First Steps

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Create product requirements and stories

Create product requirements and stories

From the course: Product Management First Steps

Create product requirements and stories

- When you prioritize features, we need to carefully consider the amount of time and effort that goes into building them. It's easy to overlook invisible features that aren't exposed to the users, but that your team needs to have in place to build the product. Here's some ways you can help define the requirements for your product and create narratives for your features called stories. These stories are the basis of what you create in your product. The first thing you need to do is look at how much time you have to build. Capacity is the time you have to do the work you need to do. Let's say we've defined a three week build phase for your product, and five people will contribute to this phase. Assuming each person is available to put in 30 hours of work each week, and assuming there will be meetings and interruptions that will take up some of their work time. You estimate that you have 450 hours of build time or capacity. A story is a narrative that you write as a product manager…
