From the course: Product Management First Steps

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All about a product manager

All about a product manager

- The product manager is a job that is incredibly empowering, fulfilling, and exciting. But as you look into it more, you'll see that product management is made up of many different components and disciplines, and knowing where to start can be a challenge. The product manager is the glue that connects all the stakeholders on a product team. The product manager is the approver of decisions that affect the product and as the person everyone on the team relies on to lead them confidently through the development process. There are multiple disciplines that go into being a product manager for technology projects. First, you need to determine what product needs to be created. Begin by conducting research to understand current customers and prospects and to get a grasp on their challenges and needs. As you start to envision what the product calls for, you'll need to have a way to visualize and prototype so you can work with your designers to determine how the product should look and feel…
