From the course: Product Management First Steps

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Build products with agile or waterfall

Build products with agile or waterfall

From the course: Product Management First Steps

Build products with agile or waterfall

- There are lots of ways to build a product. In fact, there are entire industries dedicated to specific methodologies and processes to build and release products to market. The two you'll probably encounter most are waterfall and agile. Let's look at how those methodologies apply to two types of products. The first is a tablet. The other is an app. A tablet is something physical. It has a lot of physical components that need to work together, and it is manufactured in a factory. Once it's in the box, a tablet's hardware can't be upgraded or improved. So if you want additional capabilities, you have to buy a different device. On the other hand, an app is something virtual. It's purchased online and downloaded to your device. It's comprised entirely of software, and it's made through code. Once purchased, it can be upgraded or improved through updates downloaded from the internet or through the App Store. For example, let's say I'm making a Tic-Tac-Toe app. When I start to build, I…
