From the course: Product Management First Steps

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Open a product research customer meeting

Open a product research customer meeting

From the course: Product Management First Steps

Open a product research customer meeting

- When you walk in the door to talk to a customer or you start the video conference, it is important to keep the focus on the customer. You want to provide them an environment in which to share, and at the same time, keep a flow that gives you valuable information that you can act on. Here are some ways that I have used to help open up a customer meeting to get the most out of the feedback you get and to foster a strong relationship with your customer. First, introduce all the participants and explain how they relate to each other so the customer knows who they are talking to. This will help the customer anticipate the type of questions that they might get from your team and how to answer. Then, let the customer introduce themselves. Invite them to talk about what they do, but don't let them dive into what they like or don't like about the product just yet. That time will come. Next, let the customer vent. Give them time to let it all out. This does a couple things. First, it's…
