
Sigma's goofy little blog


A late-20s Aussie genderfluid(?) dude who draws art and reblogs a lot of stuff. Designated Lancer GM, wlw enjoyer, non-fashy Warhammer player, huge nerd. Art only: commodoresigma

I work in gaming and do this all the time. I learnt long ago that no matter what games I name, when a guy demands I name what I'm playing, that they will shit on them.

So now I just make shit up when they try to "catch me out" and listen as they list how wrong I am and all the things wrong with something that doesn't even exist. It's a wonderful hobby and I heartily recommend it.


Did you know? Tumblr DOES have a post length limit. Strangely, though, it's based on how many blocks of text you have. Supposedly this implies that you can have any length post so long as it's one block of text? Very strange, will have to investigate further.

Two limits! You can have a maximum of 4,096,000 characters in 1 [one] tumblr post. I would work out how many combinations this is, but 26^6,000 is already considered to be "Infinity" by most calculators, and a program I wrote threw an error code.

26^95,000 is already over 134,000 characters long - which would take 33 different text blocks to convey via tumblr. Whenever somebody says we're running out of posts, don't forget that tumblr is needlessly designed for MASSIVE amounts of information [no matter how detrimental it may be for mobile phones].

There are SOME works of fanfiction which are lengthy enough that you couldn't fit the whole thing into one tumblr post, but this is enough to fit Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy in it about 14 times over.

Don't hide that in the tags


Still really funny that Marvel named a movie “Endgame” and sold it as the final culmination of the MCU where they killed off two main characters and retired a third and then were shocked when people started loosing interest in the MCU after that


my mom, dead in the middle of a conversation, slams on the breaks in the middle of a country road so she can pull over and take a picture of all these cows running for cover from the rain and adsfkjlfkdjg and thi dskfjfgj

rthis is the only picutre she took sfdkjlfgddfs MOM this almost literally could not be worse fdkjfjkdf i love you so much

she also took a pictuer of a bluejay 

and believe it or not, a squirrel

mom vs the focus on her expensive camera vs her bad eyesight

ok i swear this is the last one but please look at this bluejay

These photos are artistically bad.

Like, the arrangement is nice and the composition pleasing to look at, which is just, so fucking funny because what is ostensibly the subject if each is so poorly framed.

OP, are you entirely sure your mother is just bad at photography and is not, in fact, actually a fucking comedic and photographical genius?


IMO you can't say anything coherent about most US-based right wing conspiracy theories without understanding how seriously the diehards in these movements believe in The Devil

the obvious question, "who benefits from maintaining this elaborate lie," does not stop people like Flat Earthers because many of them are young earth creationists who believe in powerful spiritual forces whose only goals are

1. convincing people that Christianity isn't true

2. the proliferation of largely symbolic Evil, which they enjoy tricking you into supporting

"tricking" people into believing the earth is round is enough of a goal for The Devil to go to all that trouble. if people don't believe in God's perfect little flat earth then they're also free to believe in things like evolution and the big bang

practicality and material concerns are usually irrelevant. the lie is worth maintaining because The Devil has near unlimited time, resources, and human servants, and his top priority is Getting You

antisemitism is the other big factor that people sometimes underrate, but even that's incoherent without The Devil. for conspiracies as all-consuming as Flat Earth or QAnon, the answer to "but why do you think The Elders of Zion care about people believing in a globe" still comes back to "because they worship The Devil." far right antisemitism like this usually involves accusations of ritual satanism


this is exactly correct in my experience! and one of the dumbest things about it is that you can't actually apply the usual conspiracy-debunking logic to The Devil himself in these discussions, cuz if you ask "how does The Devil benefit from [x]?" or "how exactly does [x] have anything to do with Good or Evil?", it'll lead to further questions like "since The Devil apparently frequently succeeds and gets what he wants, does that mean he's capable of achieving happiness?". at which point you'd have to also wonder why any reasonable interpretation of God would let him run around freely like that if he's supposed to be "punished" or "fallen" or whatever, or frankly why an entity like The Devil would even be allowed by God to exist in the first place. and THEN you either gotta ask a) if The Devil's power somehow rivals that of God, or b) if The Devil is given power/influence BY god (to test people's faith or whatever? i guess?? i've heard a few takes that dance around this in different ways). but both of these ideas will quickly land you in OOPS THAT'S BLASPHEMY territory with folks from pretty much any Christian denomination, instantly ending the convo and preventing them from considering anything you said further (because now you're DEFINITELY an agent of The Devil sent to tempt/deceive them).

a lot of Christianity just inherently isn't built for close scrutiny. it often doesn't hold up very well if you squint at the cracks, and of course squinting is strongly discouraged. which is why it so frequently overlaps with people who don't make a habit of scrutinizing any of the other beliefs they hold either! in most Christian sects "curiosity killed the cat" may as well be gospel. if you have 'faith' you shouldn't need to ask prying questions, right? maybe some sects purport to have lots of cool clever answers and thus do encourage questions, but only as long as they're the RIGHT questions and not the kind that are at risk of poking holes. so it's a short hop from there to "The Devil is also the one who wants to tempt me to question all my conspiracy theories", because if they spend long enough in that environment and their "unwavering faith" becomes intertwined deeply enough with their sense of identity, then critical thinking and basic research into ANYTHING they personally believe can start to feel sinful and dangerous. for folks who are in deep enough, interrogations of themselves are seen as an attack by Sinister Forces on everything they are and believe, whether it's their religion or some Flat Earth/anti-vax/Deep State nonsense they soaked up.


I hate waiting for things to stop being popular so i can enjoy them


Can I interest you in not one or two... But THREE things that are no longer popular as they used to for you to enjoy?

Yes tell me the things !!

1. Supernatural

2. Doctor Who

3. Sherlock (BBC)

I despise you and you won't survive when I am in charge in 14 and a half years


im sure theres a word denoting the divide btwn what you believe as a citizen of civic society and what you believe as an animal with anger synapses. as a civic citizen i do not believe in the death penalty nor do i think anyone deserves to die for being stupid on twitter. as an ape,

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