

happy thursday everyone


happy thursday everyone


Powell has a slew of golden Tom Cruise anecdotes, the two having become good friends. Like the one where Cruise flew him back to London from Top Gun: Maverick reshoots at Pinewood in his helicopter, and pretended that they were about to go down. “Tom goes ‘oh no, oh no,’ and he starts dropping the helicopter over London.” (This is Tom Cruise’s idea of a joke.) “I was like, ‘Am I about to be the unnamed guy that dies with Tom in a smoking hole in the middle of London?’”

Or the one where Cruise sent him to a cinema in LA to watch a “film school” movie he had put together for his friends. Powell expected to be among a crowd – but no, it was just him alone, in an empty theatre. For six hours. Watching Tom Cruise speak directly to the camera, breaking down everything he’s learned about filmmaking over the years. According to Powell, Cruise has no intention of putting it out into the public sphere. “He said, ‘This is just for my friends’.”

In the video, “[Cruise] is like: ‘Do we all agree that this is what a camera is? This is the difference between a film camera and a digital camera…’ The funniest part is on flying. It was like he put together this entire flight school. So he would literally go ‘OK, this is what a plane is. Here’s how things fly. Here’s how air pressure works.’”

Tom Cruise has a six hour movie of him telling people what movies are directly to a camera that he only shows friends. (Source)

Powell has a slew of golden Tom Cruise anecdotes, the two having become good friends. Like the one where Cruise flew him back to London from Top Gun: Maverick reshoots at Pinewood in his helicopter, and pretended that they were about to go down. “Tom goes ‘oh no, oh no,’ and he starts dropping the helicopter over London.” (This is Tom Cruise’s idea of a joke.) “I was like, ‘Am I about to be the unnamed guy that dies with Tom in a smoking hole in the middle of London?’”

Or the one where Cruise sent him to a cinema in LA to watch a “film school” movie he had put together for his friends. Powell expected to be among a crowd – but no, it was just him alone, in an empty theatre. For six hours. Watching Tom Cruise speak directly to the camera, breaking down everything he’s learned about filmmaking over the years. According to Powell, Cruise has no intention of putting it out into the public sphere. “He said, ‘This is just for my friends’.”

In the video, “[Cruise] is like: ‘Do we all agree that this is what a camera is? This is the difference between a film camera and a digital camera…’ The funniest part is on flying. It was like he put together this entire flight school. So he would literally go ‘OK, this is what a plane is. Here’s how things fly. Here’s how air pressure works.’”

Tom Cruise has a six hour movie of him telling people what movies are directly to a camera that he only shows friends. (Source)

Back in my day you could get both halves of a bikini sold as a set for about the same price as a one piece swimsuit. Nowadays you have to pay for both halves separately and they each individually cost almost the same as a one piece swimsuit. What fucking gives.

Back in my day you could get both halves of a bikini sold as a set for about the same price as a one piece swimsuit. Nowadays you have to pay for both halves separately and they each individually cost almost the same as a one piece swimsuit. What fucking gives.



yeah sure why not


yeah sure why not

Anonymous asked:

wait i’m new here do you think tom cruise is gay as a joke or is there something i don’t know?

Let’s just say the rumors and reports of Mr. Cruise’s sexual and romantic encounters with men are extensive and varied including more than a few that have made their way to me directly from people in the know and nothing he or his PR people have been able to do over the last 40+ years have made them go away


anyways take heat waves seriously. heat strokes and heat exhaustion are real. drink water. wear sunscreen. stay covered or in shaded areas if you can. pay attention to your skin - if it’s super flushed and your face is redder than usual, get under some shade and cool down IMMEDIATELY. pay attention to kids and elders too.

anyways take heat waves seriously. heat strokes and heat exhaustion are real. drink water. wear sunscreen. stay covered or in shaded areas if you can. pay attention to your skin - if it’s super flushed and your face is redder than usual, get under some shade and cool down IMMEDIATELY. pay attention to kids and elders too.

“Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head, Warsan Shire


Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head, Warsan Shire






Not the town’s name

Then how do you explain this?


That’s the town name

Not the town's name

Then how do you explain this?


That's the town name


Tom Cruise at Studio 54 in 1980


Tom Cruise at Studio 54 in 1980



sometimes im like “wow holy shit im being really fucking annoying. i should stop talking” and then i pull out my magic 8 ball and it says “youve always been annoying and your friends chose to talk you anyways. youll be fine” and im like wow thanks magic 8 ball. and then the ogre attacks me


sometimes im like "wow holy shit im being really fucking annoying. i should stop talking" and then i pull out my magic 8 ball and it says "youve always been annoying and your friends chose to talk you anyways. youll be fine" and im like wow thanks magic 8 ball. and then the ogre attacks me

That stray cramp that suddenly hits on on day four of your period like oh my god girl give it up it’s over it’s done we’ve moved on

That stray cramp that suddenly hits on on day four of your period like oh my god girl give it up it’s over it’s done we’ve moved on


Finally listened to The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. I like it a lot. There’s something between Classic Madonna or early Stevie Nicks about it that’s delightful to me.

Good Luck, Babe…finally some good FOOD

Finally listened to The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. I like it a lot. There’s something between Classic Madonna or early Stevie Nicks about it that’s delightful to me.

Good Luck, Babe…finally some good FOOD

Finally listened to The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. I like it a lot. There’s something between Classic Madonna or early Stevie Nicks about it that’s delightful to me.

Finally listened to The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. I like it a lot. There’s something between Classic Madonna or early Stevie Nicks about it that’s delightful to me.


The thing about philosophy and sociological concepts and honestly most classic works of literature and movies and all art is that you can read other people’s thought on them and post about them all you want but eventually you’re going to have to just do the reading

To quote something a good friend of mine said after watching Jerry Maguire for the first time recently and discovering that it’s so much more than its cultural reputation: you miss a lot of a movie when you don’t watch it

The thing about philosophy and sociological concepts and honestly most classic works of literature and movies and all art is that you can read other people’s thought on them and post about them all you want but eventually you’re going to have to just do the reading

To quote something a good friend of mine said after watching Jerry Maguire for the first time recently and discovering that it’s so much more than its cultural reputation: you miss a lot of a movie when you don’t watch it

The thing about philosophy and sociological concepts and honestly most classic works of literature and movies and all art is that you can read other people’s thought on them and post about them all you want but eventually you’re going to have to just do the reading

The thing about philosophy and sociological concepts and honestly most classic works of literature and movies and all art is that you can read other people’s thought on them and post about them all you want but eventually you’re going to have to just do the reading