

@assumptionprime / assumptionprime.tumblr.com

Experience Boost - Comics - Twitter - Instagram - Patreon Cartoonist and Pokemon Gym Leader. I use tumblr to share art and stupid memes. She/Her

samurai in ffxiv is such a fun job. yeah this old man gave me a katana and i started swooshing it like im in a kurosawa movie although i never held a katana before. yeah long story short grandpa adopted me and now he's taking me on adventures to right wrongs. no one asked btw he's just an old man coming at people one day like "hey i heard you committed unfathomable crimes... i'm not an old fool btw" and people inevitably respond "you are an old fool" and then they get cut in half. and you can't even say anything because the paladins who should be doing his job are stuck in the worst questline ever somewhere in the ishgardian snow


the way sesame street, a pbs puppet show for literal babies, is pressing on with pride content despite vitriolic monsters descending on every post to insinuate they're pedophiles or demons while some of the biggest companies on the planet who could swim in olympic swimming pools of money like scrooge mcduck on steroids buckle and cave just emphasizes how completely and utterly pathetic these corporations are. they'd butcher a baby if it meant saving a penny.

where Starbucks and Target and Budweiser will be bullied into submission with the slightest push, puppets and people in your neighborhood stand tall

Jim Henson supported his openly queer colleagues in the 1970s! The Muppet performer Richard Hunt was majorly influential on Sesame Street, the Muppet Show, and Fraggle Rock.

They also dumped Chick-fil-A in 2012 when CFA made their stance on gay marriage known.

It would be a dishonor to their memories for the Jim Henson Company to kowtow to queerphobic demands when their namesake always stood for diversity and acceptance of everyone, and it makes me proud to be a Muppet fan to see that insisted upon 💖🌈


did jocat actually do anything problematic or did fall under the travis mcelroy trap of being a kind of cringy cishet dude who isn't irony poisoned enough for the internet.

like sorry if i'm wrong but this feels like completely normal dude behavior, like i think responding to internet strangers making fun of your appearance with "hey could you not do that" is like. perfectly reasonable actually


JoCat is one of the sweetest, most genuine people I know. He did nothing wrong, and people were cruel to him because they saw his kindness as weakness and his genuineness as cringe. Then more people were cruel to him because they saw a mob forming and decided to get in a few kicks on the Main Character Of The Week, perhaps on the assumption that anyone receiving an avalanche of hatred calling him Gay For Liking Women must have done something terrible to deserve it. It was a catastrophic failure of human goodness and to this day I am absolutely furious that so many people were so weak as to participate in this pointless peer-pressured cruelty.


Hi! I just finished Experience Boost after hearing about it through Overly Sarcastic Productions/ the Aurora comic Tumblr. I haven't played any MMORPGs but I really really loved the character dynamics and I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the future I end up playing some because of this. Excellent comic, thank you so much!


I’m glad you liked the comic, and sorry for possibly getting you into MMOs in the future!


Posting all of the pills that make you green comics here now, enjoy? I guess?

regret rates


talking points

you problem


modern invention

unethical experiments


think of the children

side effects


making sense




this rocks



most “protect the children” campaigns come with the implication that what’s best for children is 1950s white christian nuclear families and rigid adherence to the status quo, and having been a children I can definitively say that is very very incorrect

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