Your good friend, Wade.

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I came across an article that argued that Daniel Radcliffe shouldn't have completely disassociated from JK Rowling just because she has "different views" than him regarding trans women, which I feel is completely missing the point. Rowling has for years and continues to attack a marginalized group of people.

Rowling blatantly demonizes trans women and tries to paint them as dangerous and violent when trans women are prone to being subjected to violent hate crimes themselves. She cherry picks examples of trans women who have committed crimes in order to further her agenda to cast trans women overall in a negative light and instill a fear of them in people. It's a human rights issue. It's an empathy issue, and Rowling only has empathy for cisgender women. What you permit, you promote. I can't blame Radcliffe for not wanting to associate with Rowling and her views when they are a danger to trans people.


Rowling always argues that “trans women are trying to invalidate real women by redefining them”. “trans agenda” this and “trans agenda” that.

Like, lady, last Saturday I was harassed by a group of 3 men just for being on the sidewalk, and what made me so enticing was just how I dressed.

I don’t have time to focus on tearing down your definitions of a woman or whatever. I’m too busy focusing on myself and dealing with the problems that come with it.

My “trans agenda” is just being happy with myself, I literally couldn’t care less about redefining one side of the gender binary. It seems the only person so focused on anything to do with that definition is you, actually.



essential retail workers during covid should qualify for the vet discount. The amount of shit I had to put up with during that whole thing was insane. Fucking went from 200 customers a day on average to like 500 but never got any backup until like 5 months into that shit


Sorry @kira-serialfaggot , but unfortunately we were only essential for a short, risky trial period when the upper class lifestyle was threatened.

Now that the pandemic is “over”, you’re a good ol’ fashioned unskilled laboreronce more! Doing the same job, with essentially the same risk of infection, but with none of the incredibly menial benefits!

Because who needs “compensation” or “insurance” when you could have a company branded mask and tiny hand sanitizer!

“ definitelygayrpgideas:
“ thesallowbeldam:
“ kirinandvlindertje:
“ vaishino:
“ atomic-darth:
“ pupperoni-pizza:
“ didntfitthenarrative:
“ mitch-turn:
“ Sweet generalization.
It’s not about whether a character is trans or gay....

Sweet generalization.

It’s not about whether a character is trans or gay. Gay characters make sense. People have been gay for millennia. Trans however. Not the case. In a high fantasy setting, how in the balls are they going to perform surgery where they change the sex of the character??? It makes no sense at all. They’d have to explain it. And remember, this is high fantasy, Game of Thrones is also in that category. This is a time where they would reach into your body with an object strikingly similar to a salad tossing spoon to yank out a small piece of arrowhead. Pretty sure they hadn’t figured out a surgery as complex as a sex change…

The people complaining that there aren’t enough gay/trans people in stuff like this are just as bad if not moreso than the people who complain about gay/trans people being in stuff like this.

Create your own fantasy world filled with nothing but gay/trans people. Make it so that being heterosexual is the minority. All the power to you. Good luck trying to create it.


You don’t have to have surgery to be transgender. Lots of transgender people don’t. Transgender people, people who identify with the gender not corresponding with their birth sex, have existed before the surgery. And the existence of and recognition of a third sex or dual sex existed in pre-modern times in lots of places are the world.

So, for one, your “how in the balls are they going to perform surgery“ question doesn’t actually matter. They don’t need to in order for transgender people to exist.

But if they did want to include transgender people who undergo physical changes to reflect their gender/sexual identity, in a HIGH FANTASY world, there’s actually a really easy answer to that:




“How are you going to make someone trans in a fantasy setting full of magic spells, potions, and artifacts?”


shout out to the elixir of sex shift for covering more than just a gender binary.


also lets not forget that in ye old days (aka time of the ancient greeks (aka the bc years)) that people drank the urine of pregnant mares to feminize themselves. like, trans people find a way ;)


…the fucking Sumerians had trans people, brosky.


They didn’t even have fucking iron, but they had trans women.


dude lemme find you a fucking. girdle of sex change from 1st edition


woah what’s that?? the first edition efreet cover???



it’s on page 145 of the dmg 1st ed. want an easier-to-read screenshot of a pdf??


tldr fuck you


it’s pride month welcome back to “tldr fuck you” anyways dnd says trans & nb rights



Here’s the whole video. It’s called “Don’t Be A Sucker” and it’s 17 minutes long.


don’t just scroll past this actually watch it, it’s only 2 minutes long. If you re-recorded this today word for word with modern actors and places, it wouldn’t even look out of place as a PSA


300,000 notes and i can’t find a transcript


Transcript: (sorry for the language!)

Speaker: “I see negroes holding jobs that belong to me! And you! I’ll ask you, if we allow this thing to go on, what’s gonna become of us real Americans!”

Hungarian man with clear foreign accent: “I’ve heard this kind of talk before, but I never expected to hear it in America.”

Young man: “This man seems to know what he’s talking about.“

Speaker: “What are us real Americans gonna do about it? You’ll find it right here in this little pamphlet—the truth about negroes and foreigners! The truth about the Catholic Church! You’ll find…” [audio grows quieter as camera shifts to the onlookers]

Hungarian man: “You believe in that kind of talk?“

Young man: “I dunno, it makes pretty good sense to me.“

Speaker: “And I tell you, friends, we’ll never be able to call this country our own until it’s a country without… without what?“

Other man: “Yeah? Without what?“

Speaker: “Without negroes, without alien foreigners,”—the young man is nodding, following along—“without Catholics, without Freemasons! You know these…“

Young man: “What’s wrong with the Masons, I’m a Mason.” Looks to European man worriedly, “hey, that fellow’s talking about me!“

Huungarian man: “And that makes a difference, doesn’t it.“

Speaker: “These are your enemies! These are the people who are trying to take over our country! Now you know them, you know what they stand for. And it’s up to you and me to fight them!” A bunch of the onlookers in the vicinity wave him off like he’s crazy and turn away, “fight them and destroy them before they destroy us!”

Speaker: “Thank you.“

One man in the now somewhat awkward crowd: “claps“

Young man: *is visibly uncomfortable*

Hungarian man: “Before he said Mason, you were ready to agree with him.”

Young man: “Well yes but, he was talking about… what about those other people?“ *the pair sit down on a park bench*

Hungarian man: “In this country, we have no ‘other people.’ We are American people, of course.“

Young man: “What about you? You aren’t American, are you?“

Hungarian man: “I was born in Hungary. But now, I am an American citizen. And I have seen what this kind of talk can do. I saw it in Berlin.”

Young man: “What were you doing there?“

Hungarian man: “I was a professor at the university. I heard the same words we have heard today. But I was a fool, then. I thought Nazis were crazy people, stupid fanatics. But unfortunately it was not so. You see, they knew that they were not strong enough to conquer a unified country, so they split Germany into small groups. They used prejudice as a practical weapon to cripple the nation.”