
Dark Souls 2 is fucking amazing

@musicalsilence / musicalsilence.tumblr.com

Agender; It/Its. Autistic and aromantic. If i seem confrontational on your post it's probably unintentional Sideblog is @melodicvoid. (21)

They've done it, y'all.

They made T4T pickup artistry

"It can't be that bad"

people are flaming this article in the comments (which is a good thing) but this one in particular is just such a devastating takedown of this article. perfectly explains why it's so fucking weird


something something white people have the liberty for ignorance, feigned or otherwise, while the rest of us are in positions where we are forced to know

i really wish i didnt have to know about the timing of police patrols and sometimes i wish i didnt read the newspapers written in in spanish that the white people never get about the missing children and the innocents murdered and i wish i didnt know that i could be on that list one day and i wish i didnt have to buy into the white american ideal in order to be palatable while they can mock our cultures without any repercussions


how are 40% of people in that poll staying with a hypothetical cheating spouse 💀💀💀💀💀

for people saying what if it's not a marriage based in romance or it's an open marriage - then it wouldn't be considered cheating in the first place. if you both voluntarily agree you can see other people it's not cheating.

It's because saying "No, you have to pick yes or no. You don't get nuance" is gonna lead to meaningless data, especially on something so nuanced and personal as trust in romantic relationships.

You can't just pose a hypothetical that a third of your respondents would never find themselves in, then act confused when they don't respond how you think they should.

How is, for example, an aromantic person supposed to interpret the question? If they don't particularly care about exclusivity, they might not really be deeply hurt by cheating, even in an assumedly monogamous relationship.

What about a poly person? Are they supposed to pretend that they aren't poly just to answer the question for this random person? And if they do pretend they aren't poly, ignoring a core part of their relationship with romance, how does that affect the validity of their answer?


Something I'd consider to be a big step in any communist's theoretical and practical development is the true adoption of class politics, as the main vehicle of your discourse. There is no shame in not having done this, and I'd wager almost any communist had a period of time between consciously adopting marxist politics and this "true adoption" I'm referring to. Some never take this step as well.

Especially if you were already into politics, rejecting the political discourse of bourgeois democracy and substituting it for class politics is something that takes conscious effort. Take immigration as an example, this is a relevant subject of debate in the EU. The two main positions in normal (read: bourgeois) debate is to either make legal immigration harder and murder more migrants, or to relax controls and allow easier legal integration into whichever country they're in. Your intuition as a newer communist is probably to side with the second position, and that's understandable. But a consistently class conscious position is to first understand that those two broad sets of policies (hardening or relaxing the borders) both serve different factions of the same capitalist class at the same time:

Immigration, particularly from global south countries sacked by Europe, serves to increase the reserve army of labor that exerts a downwards pressure on wages, especially from these immigrants whose precarious situations force them to take the harshest jobs for miserable pay. So these two alternating policies of opening or closing up the border (but never closing it) serve to control the size of this reserve army when it's convenient, and once they're in Europe, to utilize this mass of low-wage workers. This is what is at the crux of the bourgeois debate over immigration in Europe, it's just coated in different paints, one nationalistic and one more "humanitarian". And this is what informs the actually marxist position in this particular debate; the rejection of any and all instrumentilzation of our fellow workers for the benefit of the capitalist class. There is no immigration policy within a capitalist framework that does not utilize the cheap labor brought by immigration.

If our goal as communists is to guide the working class to power, then we should be consequent in this and not lose ourselves in debates about which policy the managers of capitalism should adopt, it's to educate workers in our actual positions and utilize these debates as a jumping off point. This is what differentiates communists and opportunists who use workerist rethoric


server towers at the internet archive, each blue light signifies an article being accessed or edited (in real time!)

Oh so thats how the SCP fandom came up with maxwellism


Probably more because of things like this

Also that, true


You know what fuck it-

特殊召喚: @virtualgirladvance

I need to be in there


with your pronis?

my whole body, gonna sink into it like that horse in the lake


Let me know if you visit the SF Bay area. I work in the same building as the top post, and I'm sure I can find a server rack to stuff you into.

(we've got a couple in our garage but they're a little small to stuff an entire Lan into)

oh wow do I have some good news for you!


Honestly, extremely funny to send an (ANON!!) ask accusing me specifically of having social anxiety. I've seen the polls, I know I'm in the top 0.01% People Who Fuck The Most in this website lmao


sure, the exhibitionist woman who has been documented fucking people's wives on the street, on the club, on the pool, in carnaval and in the amazonas has social anxiety


Liberals love to be like “why are there Nazis around we used to fight nazis” meanwhile America was actually pretty chill with the holocaust until those evil Japanese attacked us

The US has extremely close ties with Nazi Germany. The Hindenberg was a Nazi airship! It was a diplomatic line between the countries. We were actively vilifying people in Hollywood speaking out against Hitler and the Reich! Many of whom went on to be tried by McCarthyists during the Red Scare!

Charlie Chaplin made the Great Dictator in 1940 where he portrayed a satirized version of Hitler, and was booed at the end when he stared directly into the camera and had a 5 minute monologue about how Fascism and Nazis are bad.

The US LOVED those Nazi bastards and would have sooner joined the Axis if it weren't for how much more we hated the Japanese.

After the war, Chaplin was all but blacklisted in Hollywood for his suspected "communist sympathies" after his movies began to be increasingly critical of capitalism and he was seen fraternizing with communists in Hollywood and attending functions held by Soviet diplomats. Chaplin denied allegations of being a communist, instead calling himself a "peacemonger" and a defender of political freedom. He openly protested the HUAC trials and the persecution of communists in the United States.

Chaplin was subpoenaed by HUAC (although never called to testify), and John Rankin (a key figure in the formation of HUAC) even called for his deportation. George Orwell included Chaplin on his snitch list of communists that he delivered to the British government. In 1952, Chaplin would leave the United States to attend a film premiere in London, only to have his re-entry permit revoked, effectively deporting him. He would not return to the United States until 1972.

After this, Chaplin's films only became more critical of the United States and red scare politics. His 1957 film "A King in New York" exemplified his critical views, and as a result it would not be screened in the United States until 1973. Outside of film, Chaplin also met with Zhou Enlai and Nikita Khruschev, and received an International Peace Prize from the World Peace Council.

It's impossible to separate the admiration of fascism in the United States from anti-communism. Fascists were viewed as potential allies against communism up until the point at which the fascists started attacking the liberal democracies as well. Yes, there were plenty of racists and eugenicists in the US who admired those aspects of Nazi Germany (and the Nazis in turn were inspired by the segregation and eugenics programs already in place in the United States) but the anti-communism was something that even the liberals could get behind.

The US did not have qualms with the Nazis either before or after the war. The US helped Nazi scientists and engineers escape prosecution and immigrate to the US through Operation Paperclip. The US stood by as Konrad Adenauer put a stop to de-Nazification in West Germany, to the point where a former Nazi who worked under Speer building concentration camp barracks using forced labor, Heinrich Lübke, became President of West Germany in 1959, and a former Nazi who worked under Ribbentrop and helped broadcast Nazi propaganda, Kurt Kiesinger, became Chancellor of West Germany in 1966.

The material interests of fascism aligned far better with the material interests of the United States than communism ever could. The Nazis invented the concept of privatization. Mussolini appointed a liberal economist as his finance minister and compared fascism to FDR's New Deal. Fascism as an ideology was never a threat to the Western liberal order, despite its performative attacks on the decadence of capitalism. Spain was allowed to remain fascist long after the war ended. The US even backed the fascist junta in Greece (among other similar interventions around the globe during the Cold War.)


Americans be like in [insert orientalized nation here] you don't even really get to vote, you have to pick from a predetermined slate. How barbaric! Anyway remember to vote blue no matter who


gotta say it’s um sooo funny watching the predictable backlash to that possum post pour in and almost every time I see who puts it on my dash it’s another american like bro you’re literally walking face first into the American chauvinism criticism yourself like idk how to tell you this but many people actually hate the US rather than pretending they hate the us while engaging in blind patriotism and liberalism. you couldn’t pay me to put an american flag on anything of mine! I can’t stop you from doing the patriotism but you have to stop acting surprised when the rest of the world finds you insufferable for it lol


If you want a good object lesson about what we can and can't know about the past, we don't know Ea-Nasir was a dishonest merchant selling shoddy goods.

What we know is we have found a cache of complaint tablets about him selling low quality copper as high quality, in a site that was probably his own residence. We know multiple people complained he was a cheat. It's entirely possible they were right. It's also entirely possible that he kept these complaint letters as records of people he would no longer do business with, because they had made accusations and threats in order to bully him into giving them free copper. That is an equally valid interpretation of the evidence.

My point is not that we have maligned Ea-Nasir, my point is that thousands of years later, we do not and cannot know.


Actually he wrote all the complaints himself with various sock puppet accounts to drum up sympathy subscribers to his Claytreon


this is patently inspired by dan olsons recent video and likely attributed to my nature as a tankie,a real radical firebrand but, if theres one thing i find the most absurd the most detestable about facists beliefs, its the belief that culture and society have changed too much in our lifetimes, its patently fucking stupid i look around me every day and i think something must be done change must occur

even on the basic level i see the figures that have held standard over the two decades of my life rotting, the roster of politicians has not meaningfully changed since the 60's its all the fucking same what do you even want to return to


The Qanon people absolutely won the culture war, by the way, and all of you deeply impressionable yankees helped them win.

Just as how Satanic Panic of the late 20th century was actually about women entering the workplace and the evils of the Daycare that allow the women to be able to work hidden behind the rhetoric of Protecting the Children, the "Kill a Pedophile" branch of Qanon (by far the most popular) has been about rallying against sexual minorities in public spaces hideen behind the rhetoric of Protecting the Children.

It is a deeply reactionary current of yankee culture and every single one of you that participated in demeaning LGBT+ ppl being visible in public spaces or Protecting the Children from Travis Scott/Valenciaga/Wayfaire helped it penetrate the mainstream. This is true for unquestioningly pushing around whisper campaigns targeting LGBT+ people, especially trans women who are targeted disproportionately by these people. Every time you participate in pedojacketing a trans woman, you're essentially just your reactionary parents banning D&D from public library that you've sworn you'll never become, but with pride flag patch on your denim jacket this time.

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