
Neil Gaiman

@neil-gaiman / neil-gaiman.tumblr.com

The one who wrote Coraline, and co-wrote the book of Good Omens and made the TV show, also the Sandman comics writer and co-creator who made the Sandman TV show. Quite nice really.

Neil Gaiman Tumblr FAQ: Good Omens

Tumblr questions that Neil Gaiman has already answered. A collection of Asks from Neil's blog (@neil-gaiman).

This FAQ covers questions for the full content of both the book and TV series. There are spoilers. Please check this before messaging me: OrpiKnight's FAQ FAQ

*This post has been edited since the original.


Before you ask a Good Omens question, look here. An incredibly impressive job of research and gathering.

And if you have been here before it's time to look again. A lot has been added.


In Princess Mononoke, why were the sick villagers identified as lepers in the English script when it was not mentioned in the Japanese script and unconfirmed until Miyazaki spoke about it in 2016?


Because Mr Miyazaki told me they were lepers in 1997.


For the people asking why Kaya is his sister, I don't know. She wasn't his sister in any of my drafts.

Someone at some point came in and did some rewrites, ostensibly for mouth movements, during which some of the things Mr Miyazaki had asked not happen, happened. (Kaya is one example, and the guns being described as "rifles" is another.)

This rewrite tested very poorly and they sent the film back to me and voice director Jack Fletcher. This was the first time Jack had seen my scripts -- until then he'd been working from the rewritten scripts. (The only thing that was pure me was Gillian Anderson's Moro as there were no lip movements to match.)

Jack and I restored as much as we could -- about 75% I'd say -- but we only had Access to our actors for a very limited amount of time. So some things were changed and never fixed.


I just deleted a post, because the original person who asked the question I replied to was 13 and I figured the likelihood of well-meaning people bullying them was just too high, and they had their learning experience.

(Don't do that. Don't send hate messages. Don't bully.)


I was rewatching Staged and have to ask: Was "That's the tits" improvised by you, or written for "Staged Neil Gaiman"? The delivery was glorious

And what was the process like acting with Michael and David after working with them for so long?


That was me, as were most of the "Noir" plots. Simon Evans was happy for me to have too much fun.


In Princess Mononoke, why were the sick villagers identified as lepers in the English script when it was not mentioned in the Japanese script and unconfirmed until Miyazaki spoke about it in 2016?


Because Mr Miyazaki told me they were lepers in 1997.


Hey Neil.

I'm a YA author from Hungary. We have new anti-lgbt laws in my country, and they affect books as well. I spoke up against these laws a couple of months ago, and some people threatened to spit on me at my book signings. I've always turned to your works and words of encouragement in hard times, but lately I feel I need a real pick-me-up as an author. And sadly, I feel like some of my childhood favorites, whom I always looked up to, have taken the wrong turn somewhere, and that breakes my heart. I wish I could turn to them for comfort as well. Can you give us authors some advice how to tune out the noise of those who try and bring us down, when we stand up for and write about queer people, women's and minority rights? I always try to look within, to reevaluate my moral compass, to check if I'm still doing or writing the good thing, and fighting the good fight. It's getting harder. Sometimes I'm even afraid to write.


Write your books. Write the stories you need to write. Be brave.


I'm also Hungarian and a couple years ago I asked Neil whether Sandman will continue against all the backlash it recieved for it's wide vareity of amazing characters. People simply didn't understand why I asked such a question, but at the time I was still living near Budapest and it was so hard to see all the negative comments directed towards a show that gave me so much comfort before leaving my country to start a new life. People thought it was strange I asked such a question and now that I live somewhere else I can understand why. It's hard to think that the rest of the world is different when you grew up in such an enviroment. At least it was for me.

Thought I'll reblog this because it made me happy to see a fellow Hungarian writer speak up about the censorship that is happening. I do think a lot about moving back, but then I remember when I saw my favourite books foiled up in shops so children can't open them or they were completely taken off the shelves. I'm following the news about the censorship and trying to spread the word and I really hope one day things will change, because I want to write something at home. It's home after all. My own language.

Again, went on quite long with this, point is as a Hungarian it's great to see someone speaking about this.

“After being wined and dined for years — with one of his billionaire patrons buying his mother’s house and fixing it up and putting his grandnephew through a ritzy private academy — Clarence Thomas returned the favor by casting his tie-breaking Citizens United vote, almost fully legalizing billionaires and giant companies bribing politicians. Political bribery is still illegal in Scotland, The Netherlands, and Australia, which is why politicians in those countries could stand up to the fossil fuel industry. America, in fact, is the only country in the developed world that lets the massive, gravitational “dark force” of billionaires’ and giant corporations’ money be used to purchase politicians who put themselves up for sale. And that’s not only why we won’t see a ban on fossil fuel advertising any day soon; it’s why we won’t see a lot of other things that a majority of Americans want, as well.”
Source: dailykos.com

Hi, Neil!

I have a question concerning both yours and Sir Terry's writing but, surprisingly, not Good Omens. Different sources doesn't seem to agree whether Mr. Pin and Mr. Tulip from Truth were directly inspired by/are an homage to Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar from Neverwhere or the Truth duo are more composite characters with many inspiration sources which may or may not include the Neverwhere duo. So I wondered if maybe you have knowledge of this directly from Sir Terry? Thanks.


Terry said "People say: 'Did you get the idea of Tulip and Pin from...' and then fill in the names of any of half-a-dozen fictional criminal duos. And the answer is no, but I probably got them from the same equation. It's a Law of Narrative that if your gang consists of two people (a gangette) one will be the brains of the outfit and one will supply the muscle and speak like dat. They must both, of course, wear black suits. If there are three of them, that still applies but the new guy will be called Fingers."

And I think he's right, although I think both of us were inspired by Mr Wynt and Mr Kidd from Diamonds are Forever, which was the first time I saw the equation in action.


I’ll say it again, please just grit your teeth and vote for Biden…


Are those "Biden protections" in the room with us at the moment? Go eat shit and die.

They are in fact in the room with us right now.

4/26/24 - Biden/Harris administration incorporates latest rule to the ACA that includes protections on the basis of sexual orientation and improves pre-existing protections for gender identity, mandating nondiscrimination in health care and insurance coverage for LGBTQ+ Americans.

4/19/24 - Biden/Harris administration finalized a Title IX rule that clarifies the scope of nondiscrimination protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity throughout educational activities and programs.

1/9/24 - Biden/Harris administration reverses Trump/Pence era “License to Discriminate” rules.

6/8/23 - Biden personally announces a series of initiatives that include efforts to protect queer and trans foster youth, improve access to mental health services for LGBTQ+ youth and address the rise in hate-fueled violence.

4/26/23 - Biden/Harris administration files lawsuit against the state of Tennessee, challenging the constitutionality of recently enacted legislation banning age-appropriate, medically necessary gender-affirming care for transgender youth.

2/7/23 - Biden uses his SotU address to encouraged Congress to pass the Equality Act “to ensure LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender young people, can live with safety and dignity.”

12/13/22 - Biden signs the Respect for Marriage Act, one of the biggest legislative wins in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality in over a decade, guaranteeing federal rights, benefits and obligations of marriages in the federal code for same-sex couples. The legislation also repealed the Defense of Marriage Act and affirmed public acts, records and proceedings should be recognized by all states.

8/4/22 - Biden/Harris administration declares Monkeypox a public emergency and wields federal power to ensure equal access in the distribution of vaccines and treatment.

3/21/22 - Biden/Harris administration takes steps on Transgender Day of Visibility to protect trans Americans that includes issuing passports with an “X” gender marker, streamlining identity verification during the travel experience and providing resources to transgender kids and their families.

And that’s just the last two years, without including any educational or research work done towards new policies or educating Americans about LGBTQ identities and politics, like displaying parts of the AIDS quilt in the White House or regularly acknowledging Pride, days of visibility, or other issues within the community.

You may be too young to remember this, but Biden was one of the first major federal-level politicians to support gay marriage, and he dragged Obama along kicking and screaming to the finish line. This administration is one of the strongest allies the LGBTQ community has had. Ever.


For the many many people who do not seem to understand how a government actually works, this doesn't mean Biden himself came up with these decisions, but they were approved and implemented by Congress because conservatives didn't have both the presidency and a majority. They desperately want the white house right now because it will allow them to make any policy changes they want uncontested.

I don't think enough people remember that the Very First Thing Trump's team did when he took office in 2017 was remove the LGBT rights page from the White House site. Like, it was mere hours into his presidency. The whole site went down to make their changes, and everything else was replaced fairly quickly, but not that one.

Or his lawyers arguing, while he was in office, that employers fully should be allowed to fire people for being gay.

I also don't think enough people remember various military leaders, and thus entire units, -literally ignoring orders- in order to protect trans service members.

He is the country's biggest drain on actual social progress, and it'll happen again if he's re-elected.


TiL (click to go to the thread, which probably has more interesting tidbits I missed).



These are my people.


Betting I’ve reblogged this before. Betting I’ll reblog it when it turns up again.

In addition to the print terminology stuff: the visual shorthand icons and ad graphics for something about writing are still often pen-nibs, fountain pens and typewriters…

…while graphics of a monitor, keyboard and mouse remain visual shorthand for computing

…even though most writers now use monitor /  keyboard / mouse or even laptop / touchpad.

In addition, headers for “this blog / website is about writing” are often in one of the many imitation typewriter fonts complete with smudges, or just Courier.

The start and end call icons on most / all smartphones is still the handset of a classic desk telephone, and sometimes the open-app icon is a complete phone.

The term “hang up” for “end the call” refers to something even older - one of these…

And of course the Save icon is indeed a 3½ inch floppy disc.

Why it wasn’t a 5¼ floppy is a mystery. The icon version is just as distinctive.

Also, why various OP updates never changed “Save” to the graphic of a CD / DVD or flash drive is another mystery, and nowadays a Save icon should probably be a cartoon cloud.

Graphics and terminology are funny things.


reblogging this again for EVEN MORE information.

I’m mostly entertained by the guy who thinks you need to know that “case” means “box” in French as though that’s not what it means in English.

skeumorphism my beloved


It’s fascinating. This post alternately made me feel old and taught me something. Tumblr is amazing.

And because we continue to use signs of ancient hardware, youngsters come up with questions like “why is the icon for ‘save’ a vending machine with a can of soda?” (One day I’ll find that post and link it)


Hi Mr. Gaiman (sorry for the ramble in advance),

Hope you're doing well. I don't usually use tumblr, but every time I open it up you're here so I figure I'd drop a note. I'm a writer, but I've always had a really hard time actually WRITING instead of just thinking about it. I've had this world and its characters plaguing my head for years now, and it's only gotten worse with age, so recently I doubled down and decided it was gonna get done—one way or the other.

I recently read a passage in a book about writing that said, in essence, your first book doesn't really matter all that much if you plan to be an author. As an autistic lad, I (naturally) took this very literally and was upset at the thought. Sure, your first work is probably going to be your weakest—duh, because by the time book two rolls around you'll have had time to have faced any criticisms from your first, you'll have learned more as you write, and about the world too. But for your first book to not matter at all, no matter how passionate you are about it—I found myself wondering, "Well, what's the point at all, then?" You put in all that work, you learn plot devices, you breathe life into your characters and watch 'em toddle around, and for what? For it to just be a stepping stone? It felt intensely personal of it just being cast aside like that, and I haven't even written the damn thing yet!

MasterClass had a Father's Day sale, so I figured "why not" and went ahead and got a subscription. First thing I did was run to your class, and although I've only watched the first two parts—I want to thank you for restoring my motivation. Truth is, I think the reason that message in the writing book upset me so much is because I'm terrified of writing this damn book. I've woven so many pieces of myself into it, despite it very much being, in your words, a lie (and about a boy that lies all the time, no less), but the grief that I feel and all the complicated feelings about forgiveness are all there and very real, despite its fantastical elements. So much of it really IS more than I'm comfortable sharing with people, and the idea of baring all that out and being told it didn't matter at all? Absolutely devastating. At the end of the line? The book might actually suck. I might rewrite it, I might trash it, I might completely forget about it ten years from now, or I might sell ten copies on Amazon to family and friends and then move on with my life. It's not stepping on a yellow jacket nest in the woods, but it's still terrifying. I still can't even fathom the idea of letting anyone actually read it until I've obsessed over it for another four years, and even then! But I'll write it anyways.

Thank you.


You are so welcome!


Hello Mr. Gaiman,

How do you say the word calliope?

Thank you for your time.


Depends whether I'm talking about the muse or the musical instrument.


mr Gaiman, ser, good evening.

Big fan of your work, can't wait for Anansi Boys, destined to wait for Go3. But you know what? This question concerns… Doctor Who.

Big fan since I was 14.

So. A few days ago I was talking to a friend of mine (bigger fan than me). He is currently writing. After the last DW episode - very nice - I asked him: "Imagine if you had the opportunity to write for DW. Would you accept?"

And he said: "no. I'm afraid of ruining something I love".

Then I thought: why don't ask the same question to someone who has actually had the same experience? I mean. You're the only one I could ask.

P.S. would you rather writing, about a Purple TARDIS or a green-lime Batmobile?


I just remember the joy.

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