sent a message

I know your a big zelda fan but if you like platformers I'd really like to recommend The Big Catch: Tacklebox, it's a demo that came out about a week ago. It's got a learning curve but the movement is a lot of fun when you get the hang of it.

  • i tried it already yeah!! had my eye on The Big Catch since it was first shown off, it looks sick.

    admittedly i think some of the movement is a little stiff in the demo (i’m really not a fan of how it handles wall runs/wall jumps in particular, and how fast the gravity is so you have basically zero time to course-correct if you miss a jump. the indoor area with all the poles you have to swing between was nightmarish and i gave up) but everything aside from those two nitpicks seems cool as hell! the art style, animation, and music are also extremely unique and impressive. even if they literally don’t change anything about the controls between now and the full release i am still invested enough to give it a fair shot i think

  • all aboard the buny train! choo choo!

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    For tonight’s Paper Mario TTYD stream, we’re playing Ch.6! That means a relaxing change of pace - just a normal, safe journey via train, with no mysteries to solve or dangers to fear. Suuuuper chill. Get cozy in your seat, and come along for the ride!

  • wait am i reading this right. google's AI is trained on reporting about how bad it is. which means....

    (from the verge)


    trolling is back babey! awooga! time to post that bitcoin is crashing enough times until it actually does

  • one of my personal favorites

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    Tweet reads:

    [In person] he looks even scarier than in that picture. He is a frightful sight, marks of beatings all over him, eyes lined with red, and so thin his cheeks look like gaping holes at the center of his face. Growing up here and coming from a Jewish background the images of Jews released from the camps in the 1940s are an inseparable part of my visual thinking. These were the images I couldn't shake yesterday when I saw him.

    Bassem Tamimi, Palestinian human rights activist and Ahed Tamimi's father, was held under Israeli administrative detention (read: hostage) for eight months, meaning he was held without charge or trial, and endured torture and starvation.

    Keep in mind that the ~only democracy in the Middle East~ is currently holding hostage over 3,400 Palestinians in its torture dungeons without charge or trial, for an indefinite period of time.

  • cuz when we sneezing and hopping

    (audio clip of a bunny sneezing)image

    we snopping

  • it's snopping snaturday. snop to it

  • now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.

    copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.

    it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.

  • sorry to revive this post a second time, but I am genuinely ashamed and embarrassed of everyone in the tags who’s like “exactly and THIS is why I don’t reblog/donate to any fundraiser posts on here, you just can’t be sure!!!!” . This post is not your get out of jail free card to stop caring about palestine!! This is not the message at all, so stop making it that!!!! It’s about due diligence, making sure you ARE donating but putting in just an extra five minutes of effort to make sure it’s going to the right people. When you say you haven’t been donating anything because it’s just “too much effort to check every time”, it just tells me exactly how little you care. For months now, people have been slaving away on this site and sacrificing their mental health to make caring for Palestine the easiest and most convenient thing in the world.

    In fact, here’s just a few masterposts of verified funds to donate to, as well as resources:


    HelpGazaChildren (an on the ground grassroots effort to directly help families in Gaza recieve basic necessities like food, water, and clothing!) - via @fairuzfan

    Operation Olive Branch - comprehensive spreadsheet full of verified gofundmes, organised on category

    Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List - via collaboration between @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi

    Verified funds masterposts via @el-shab-hussein

    List of fundraisers for direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan
    Vetted family fundraiser masterpost 1
    Vetted family fundraiser masterpost 2
    Unvetted, but highly likely legitimate fundraisers.
    Fundraisers for general purposes

    Verified funds masterpost via @palms-upturned (collection of funds verified by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi)


  • Closed Umbrella
    by taffywabbit
  • Made some more music! This track has been stuck at 70% completion for a month or two, and I finally found the motivation/inspiration this morning to figure out the rest of it. It was originally meant to kinda be a chance to push myself and make something that’s more calm and emotional instead of overcomplicated and energetic. Not entirely sure if I succeeded, but I still like whatever this turned out to be and I hope you do too :)

    (it’s also on my SoundCloud, if you’re into that)

    made with OpenMPT and a bunch of Sega Genesis/Nintendo DS samples!

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  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    do you agree it's a tragedy they shrunk the bnouys in mc?

  • from glancing at the dates in the patch notes i’m pretty sure i never actually played minecraft within the gap of time between when bnunbies were added and when they were made smaller (the change happened while i was overseas) but idk they seem like an acceptable size to me?

    the REAL tragedy is that i think the bnuyys in vanilla minecraft look kinda bad and don’t do anything interesting, despite the fact that Mojang allegedly hired a bunch of the Mo’ Creatures mod devs to help add new animals, and the Mo’ Creatures bbunies were PERFECT. (especially the older design with lower-detail textures, because i really like the simple one-pixel dot eyes. the wide nose and wide-set eyes delight me)


    this design was also used as a base for the Aerbunny in the Aether Mod, which i was recently reminded of, and THOSE are peak bonnuy if i’m being honest. lil guys with big fluffy bodies that puff out like a cloud and emit particles whenever they do their slow, low-gravity hops. also both the Mo’ Creatures bnyuny AND the Aether aerbnuy can be right-clicked to let them ride around on your head, and the aerbounies even allow you to descend slowly and avoid taking fall damage from jumps. helpful! stylish! wonderful!


    (meanwhile vanilla MC bnnuys spend most of their time running around aimlessly with a really unsatisfying animation and stumbling off 3ft ledges and immediately dying from fall damage every time. they are a fucking embarrassment to rabbitkind if you ask me)

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    the purplish creepy

  • Latest tech pet peeve is the use of the term "AI" to refer to basically anything that does any amount of automation or uses computers in any way

  • I keep seeing takes about them using AI to blend features in Furiosa, and have been shocked to find out that they're using the term "AI" to describe what is basically just the current iteration of a technology that's existed at least as long as I'm alive. Zero jobs are stolen, zero creativity lost, zero labor issues at play, just VFX professionals paid to apply a digital effect. Five years ago, that same technology would've been referred to as "CGI" or "VFX."

    Like, I've seen people apply the term "AI" to software that's existed long before any of the current AI or Machine Learning booms, like tools that can remove the background to make a transparent image, tools that can detect red-eye in photographs and correct it, etc.

    I fully get, and agree with, the opposition to using generative AI for things like art or writing or creation of assets! My confusion is in seeing tech companies now try to slap the term "AI" on literally every automated feature they have. Calculator? Nope. Math AI. Translation algorithm? Nope. AI translation. Ray tracing? Nope. AI that renders light.

    I swear to god tech companies want developers to just put "powered by AI" under literally any digital feature now, even features they've had for years, to make them seem "cutting edge," and my tinfoil hat theory is that they're trying to get the term "AI" to replace the term "software" to make the people who are opposed to the labor-rights-violating, job-stealing, "boss threatens to replace you with it if your wages and benefits prove too expensive" AI seem like backwards luddites who hate technology

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  • My darlings, my loves, my fellow weirdos, I am begging you all to REST after you have covid.


    I know it is very hard, and our society asks you to get back up and running at full speed as soon as possible, before you’re even done testing positive even.

    But please my friends, please rest.


    If you push too hard too fast you might be sicker for longer, you might be doing long lasting damage to yourself.


    So please my beautiful nerds, take care of yourselves and REST.

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    &. lilac theme by seyche