Optimizely Claimed Company
With our leading digital experience platform (DXP), we equip teams with the tools and insights they need to create and optimize in new and novel ways. Now, companies can operate with data-driven confidence to create hyper-personalized experiences. Building sophisticated solutions has never been simpler. Optimizely’s 900+ partners and 1100+ employees in offices around the globe are proud to help more than 9,000 brands, including Peleton, Uber, AMEX, WSJ, Santander, KLM and Mazda enrich their customer lifetime value, increase revenue and grow their brands. read more
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Optimizely CEO & Leadership Team Ratings

Alexander Atzberger and the Optimizely leadership team are scored an A by 93 employees placing it in the Top 10% of companies sized 1,001-5,000 Employees on Comparably. The Leadership score includes details about how employees evaluate their executive team, CEO and manager.

Women have higher ratings for their leadership team compared to Men. the HR department and employees of other ethnicities have the most favorable ratings for their leadership team compared to the Engineering department and the Sales department.

Based on 306 ratings, the Leadership score of 81/100 combines employee feedback on their CEO (85/100), Manager (86/100), and Executive Team (78/100).

Alexander Atzberger Optimizely CEO Rating

Top 5% Compared to other companies of similar size in New York
85 / 100
Alexander Atzberger Optimizely's CEOAlexander Atzberger the CEO of Optimizely received an average score of 85 from Optimizely employees.
Female employees at Optimizely rate the CEO the highest.
Male: 82
Female: 84
The HR department at Optimizely rate the CEO the highest, while Engineering department rates the CEO lowest.
HR: 90
Sales: 90
Product: 87
Finance: 83
Engineering: 73
Employees who have been at Optimizely for Less Than 1 Year rate the CEO the highest.
Less Than 1 Year
1 to 2 Years
2 to 5 Years
Other employees at Optimizely rate the CEO the highest.
Other: 93
Caucasian: 84
Asian or Pacific Islander: 68

Optimizely Manager Rating

Top 5% Compared to other companies of similar size in New York
86 / 100
Managers received an average score of 86 from Optimizely employees.
Female employees at Optimizely rate their Manager the highest.
Male: 77
Female: 88
The HR department at Optimizely rate their Manager the highest, while Engineering department rates their Manager lowest.
HR: 95
Finance: 92
Product: 90
Sales: 76
Engineering: 74
Employees who have been at Optimizely for Less Than 1 Year rate their Manager the highest.
Less Than 1 Year
1 to 2 Years
2 to 5 Years
Other employees at Optimizely rate their Manager the highest.
Other: 100
Caucasian: 81
Asian or Pacific Islander: 80

Optimizely Executive Team Rating

Top 15% Compared to other companies of similar size in New York
78 / 100
The Executive team received an average score of 78 from Optimizely employees.
Female employees at Optimizely rate the Executive Team the highest.
Male: 66
Female: 82
The Finance department at Optimizely rate the Executive Team the highest, while Engineering department rates the Executive Team lowest.
Finance: 94
HR: 92
Sales: 64
Engineering: 54
Employees who have been at Optimizely for 1 to 2 Years rate the Executive Team the highest.
Less Than 1 Year
1 to 2 Years
2 to 5 Years
Caucasian employees at Optimizely rate the Executive Team the highest.
Caucasian: 74
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