
Workplace Questions

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22 answers • Office Culture

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    2 weeks

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53 answers • Office Culture

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    100% A manager needs to understand the fundamental requirements of the role, the processes that need to be followed and the risks and issues caused by not doing so. Having done the role themselves is a huge benefit, because you can lead by example. Performing people management, and just looking after 'the nice stuff' does not equate to effective leadership. Lead by example, know your craft!

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17 answers • Leadership

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    In general yes, but in extreme cases, like in frontier of physics or maths, it cannot

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13 answers • Professional Development

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27 answers • Office Culture

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    I would remind them of the experience (both work experience and life experience) they bring. Reaffirming their value by focusing on their experience as opposed to their age is a great way to motivate them.

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17 answers • Leadership

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    At the end of the day, when it is time to leave this world, no one will ever sit on their deathbed and say, “I wish I’d spent more time at work.”

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21 answers • Office Culture

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    I'm a nurse not every day is perfect but every day is meaningful

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1 answer • Interviews

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2 answers • Interviews

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1 answer • Interviews

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    Some employers allow carryover before a certain date

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2 answers • Compensation

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    Lack of Covid mandate

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23 answers • Office Culture

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    Talking down on your employees

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64 answers • Leadership

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    If you want employees to commit to your company long term the company needs to commit to the employees long term. When a high performer is plagued with uncertainty their commitment can vanish quickly. It takes a long time to build trust but only an instant to lose it

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19 answers • Leadership

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    Ineptitude, lack of vision, direction, and experience. The inability to know your limits and the courage to take charge and do something about the inadequacies.

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21 answers • Leadership

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    To simulate potential situations during training.

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10 answers • Office Culture

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    To help facilitate the smooth transition in personnel.

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15 answers • Office Culture

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    Handling your own empathy.

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17 answers • Office Culture

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    Tolerance towards under performers, favouritism

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22 answers • Office Culture

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    Mindfulness meditation. Focus on you and your responses.

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55 answers • Professional Development

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    Discuss or lay out your concerns via email. Request a meeting to discuss.

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2 answers • Professional Development

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    Bigger work load to clear up loose ends. On last day, no one at office. I had to lock up and close and lock property gate myself. It was kind of a let down.

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13 answers • Office Culture

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18 answers • Office Culture

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    interrupting when you try to make a suggestion

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24 answers • Office Culture

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    Constant comments about hair texture and hairstyle, comments on someone’s accent or lack thereof, telling employees to assume good intent at all times, negative feedback based on mannerisms and facial expressions

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9 answers • Office Culture

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    Depends on job

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5 answers • Professional Development

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    Balance performance and skiving

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14 answers • Office Culture

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    They don't like working. If they had the choice they wouldn't be there. I wouldn't give my coworkers time off day if I they didn't happen to work with me

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10 answers • Office Culture

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    Get the turnover down lower

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15 answers • Office Culture

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    Depends on who you work for and where

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9 answers • Office Culture

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    Favouritism by managers

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4 answers • Professional Development

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    Yes but the pressure doesn't effect what I choose to do.

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1 answer • Office Culture

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    Sometimes yes other times it's easier

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9 answers • Professional Development

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    Smug people. Tacky money obsessed bores

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9 answers • Office Culture

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    Confrontational nosy extroverts

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15 answers • Office Culture