
Workplace Studies

Better Understand What People Want Out Of Work

Study: Stress in the Workplace

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Studies show that workplace stress is easily the biggest source of stress for U.S. adults. A little bit of stress at work is only natural, and can help sharpen your senses and instincts for improved performance. But researchers have long been aware that too much stress can lead to a … Read full-story

How often do you socialize with team members outside of work?

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Multiple times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Once a quarter

Study: Work-Life Balance in the Modern Workplace

It’s no mystery that workers need time off once in a while to fully reconnect with their lives and recharge their batteries. It can even be a serious matter: work-related stress burnout has just recently been officially defined as a syndrome by the World Health Organization. When an employee does have the opportunity for a potential … Read full-story


Study: Ethics in the Workplace

Ethics are defined as “The rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group or culture.” The workplace certainly represents a particular group or culture, and each company has its own set of rules and values that comprise its ethical approach. Each employee is also expected to … Read full-story

Do your co-workers have a good Work Ethic?

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Study: 10 Popular Tech Jobs That Pay More Than $150K

The average computer or tech-related job in this country pays just over $91,000. The median household income for all U.S. jobs is just over $63,000. It doesn’t take an IT hotshot to do the math implied and come to the conclusion that the tech industry is still the hottest market around when it comes to … Read full-story


Do you feel your manager should know how to do your job in order to manage you well?

  • 100% A manager needs to understand the fundamental requirements of the role, the processes that need to be followed and the risks and issues...

17 answers • Leadership

Does hard work beat intelligence in the workplace?

  • In general yes, but in extreme cases, like in frontier of physics or maths, it cannot

13 answers • Professional Development

These Are the Top Tech Jobs for New Grads

Just as previous generations of Americans are feeling the effect of the Millennials taking the leadership reigns of mainstream culture, Generation Z has entered the workforce. New Gen Z college gradsare entering a U.S. job market that is hitting historic unemployment lows. This generation, born between 1996 and 2010, will account for 40%of all U.S. … Read full-story

Is a raise more important to you than a title promotion?
Professional Development Infographic

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15 Most Popular Jobs in Tech for Non-Techies

For many, the notion of a job in tech is both highly appealing and highly intimidating. It is appealing because that’s where the big money is, the best startups, and the brightest futures. And it’s intimidating because most who don’t consider themselves tech-savvy imagine themselves having to somehow learn to code in their car before … Read full-story


What are some ways to motivate older employees?

  • I would remind them of the experience (both work experience and life experience) they bring. Reaffirming their value by focusing on their...

17 answers • Leadership

The Importance of Workplace Friendships

Sunday, August 4th is International Friendship Day, an occasion founded by Hallmark in 1919 in an effort to sell greeting cards. The idea was for people to take one day to honor their friends just as they would their fathers and mothers. Finding instant popularity in the U.S., the holiday was embraced by other countries, even … Read full-story

Have you ever lied or exaggerated on a resume or interview question?

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Study: Highest Paying Entry-Level Jobs in Tech

The tech boom continues, and it’s no wonder: a recent study showed that, as of the end of February 2019, there were half a million open tech jobs listed in the U.S. Not only that, but new ones are generated at almost 400% the rate of non-tech jobs, and they pay around twice as well to … Read full-story


Why should single people worry about their work/life balance?

  • At the end of the day, when it is time to leave this world, no one will ever sit on their deathbed and say, “I wish I’d spent more time at...

21 answers • Office Culture

The Motion Picture Industry: Comparing the Cultures of Sony Pictures, NBCUniversal, Disney, Viacom, and Warner Bros.

Like many other industries, the Motion Picture Industry is going through intense changes in the cauldron of modern U.S. culture. From film to digital, from physical media to streaming, from a sixty-foot screen in a darkened theater to a 2-inch image on a cell phone, from movie stars to superheroes, from Humphrey Bogart to Lego Batman … Read full-story

What's the maximum pay cut you would take to work at a company with a social mission you support?

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20% or more
Would not take a pay cut
A social mission is not important to me

2019 Study: Gender & Compensation in the Workplace

Equal Pay Day 2019 (April 2nd) is an important time to reflect on how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go when it comes to fair pay. A complex issue with much nuance, the gap between what men and women earn is significant: according to recent estimates, full-time female workers make … Read full-story


What are the worst traits in a boss or manager?

  • Talking down on your employees

64 answers • Leadership

How do I know if my employees are committed to the company long-term?

  • If you want employees to commit to your company long term the company needs to commit to the employees long term. When a high performer is...

19 answers • Leadership

Study: FAANG Culture Showdown

Facebook. Amazon. Apple. Netflix. Google. Or as they’ve come to be known in the industry: FAANG. This acronym was coined for the five most popular, best-performing tech stocks currently listed on NASDAQ. At one point in 2018, the combined value of the five FAANG companies was $3.105 trillion – a number which has fallen since … Read full-story

What’s the most important quality in a Boss?

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Supportive/ Collaborative
Intelligence/ Problem Solver
Inspirational/ Visionary
Transparent/ Integrity
EQ/ Great Coach

Study: Romance in the Workplace

With spring not too far off, our thoughts turn to romance. It’s all humans can do to resist hope of new love as the weather slowly begins to warm and flowers start to make their yearly plans. But what about in the office? Romance in the office has always seemed to carry with it a … Read full-story


What is the worst leadership mistake that can harm company culture?

  • Ineptitude, lack of vision, direction, and experience. The inability to know your limits and the courage to take charge and do something...

21 answers • Leadership

How will augmented reality be useful in the workplace?

  • To simulate potential situations during training.

10 answers • Office Culture