See a Sample Diversity Report

Build and Publish Your Company's Diversity Report

Workplaces today are more diverse and globally connected than ever before. Let Comparably help you display your demographics data through our Diversity Report, at no cost.

Why is Comparably doing this?

As a workplace culture and compensation monitoring site, our vision at Comparably is to make workplaces more transparent and rewarding for both employees and employers. The workforce today is historically more diverse than it has ever been, and our founders launched the company in 2016 with a mission to reflect the experiences of all employees, from women to people of color to everything in-between. That’s why we feel compelled to help companies showcase their D&I initiatives and stories, at no cost.

Publicly Showcase Your Diversity & Inclusion Statistics

Beautifully display the diversity of your employees and your company’s initiatives to establish an inclusive culture for all.

As more importance is placed on actively diversifying the workplace, display how your company is performing.

Highlight your commitments to DE&I and display your progress

With the opportunity to track your year-over-year progress, share where you are now and where your efforts are focused on in the future.

Effortlessly Publish Your Company’s Diversity Report in One-Click

Safely and easily collect demographic data directly from employees to instantly create your Diversity Report.

Be Transparent & Continue to Attract Diverse Employees

Attract and build a team representative of people that reflect all corners of the globe.

Studies Have Shown

An inclusive workplace doesn’t just have a diversity of people present. A diverse and inclusive workplace is one that makes everyone, regardless of who they are or what they do for the business, feel equally involved in, empowered, and supported in all areas of the organization. Multiple studies on company culture shows that when employees trust that they will be treated fairly regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or age, they are more likely to enjoy work and remain committed to their company. This ultimately results in:

Higher revenue growth

more likely to gain a new market

Greater readiness to innovate

more likely to expand their market share compared to the year before

Increased ability to recruit a diverse talent pool

higher employee retention
Source: Harvard Business Reviews, 2013 & Harvard Business Reviews 2018