Gojirahkiin's Madhouse

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna




they are casting a level 7 Healing spell


Video description: a child in pajamas is laying on top of several low shelves, which are covered in a mat and blanket. It is situated in front of a window front, and the sun shines through. There are seven cats in various positions on top of the child, one of them resting between their arms. Extremely loud purring is audible. End video description

Source: reddit.com
cute wholesome animals happy happiness sounds

This is it, the best news story (from BBC news):


Ok, so here is the croissant that started all this mess:


When asked about what kind of animal might it be, the woman said: "It's this, oh, what is it called... A lagun!"

The devil works fast, but The Krakow Animal Welfare Society works faster:


They already made a merchandise with an illustration of the lagun - they posted information about it on Facebook on Tuesday evening and by the Wednesday morning everything was already sold out.

My university professors are so delighted about this story that they are writing tons and tons of limericks, moskaliks and lepiejs (those two last genres are very popular, ridiculous and humorous types of short poems, in last decades popularized by Wisława Szymborska) and posting them on official Facebook pages of our university departments, and I am dying of laughter.


Important update on the story: owners of cafés and bakeries in Kraków realized that this wonderful idiocy that took over the country could bring them profit and help animals, and started selling croissants labeled as laguns: i.e. Massolit Café & Bakery is sending 10% of income from selling laguns to the Krakow Animal Welfare Society. Thankfully laguns are selling like hotcakes and bakeries don't plan to stop making them, so the story that started and could quickly die as just another seasonal nonsense transformed into a tool for helping small, helpless, vulnerable creatures, far less dangerous than vicious lagun.


This is how cyptids get started.


It’s also *exactly* the kind of story behind the invention of new pastries. If there’s some little change on the ingredient level that can make a “lagun” distinct from an ordinary croissant, then a new pastry will have been born, complete with fanciful cookbook-ready lore.


Queued up for April 15, 2024 the 3rd anniversary of the Krakowski Lagun.

krakowski lagun lagun happy birthday mystery tree beast pastry cryptid my beloved oddly specific tags
“ On the first day of...

On the first day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

an Oxygen Destroyer in the sea



On the Second Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Two Tiny Girls



On the Third Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Three Monster Heads



On the Fourth Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Four Fiery Birds



On the Fifth Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Five Sofubi



On the Sixth Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Six Hatching Babies



On the Seventh Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Seven Fuzzy Moths



On the Eighth Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Eight Ultra Brothers



On the Ninth Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Nine Slicing Points



On the Tenth Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Ten Burrowing Giants



On the Eleventh Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Eleven Turtles Flying



On the Twelfth Day of Kaijumas, my true love gave to me:

Twelve Cities Trampled



Pinky x Stinky: Bros for Life

So I’m super hyped for GXK. I love that Godzilla runs and is now PINK!! It looks like a fun ride and I can’t wait to see the boys work as a team.

It’s been quite the decade of the monsterverse and kaiju media as a whole. Ten years ago I never thought we’d have such a steady flow of giant monster stuff. The US giving us the fun spectacle of Godzilla, and Japan exploring the message and metaphors of Gojira. I think having both is what has kept this property going for nearly 70 years.

On top of that we’ve gotten Pacific Rim, Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Kong, and even Gamera (more Gamera please). As long as they keep making em, I know I’ll always watch em

godzilla kong monsterverse legendary godzilla fanart kaiju daikaiju

Please return us to a world where Notp and squick are used for a ship you don’t like instead of just making up a load of bullshit about how immoral it is or w/e lol 


a short selection of concepts and phrases that used to be commonplace in fandom and we’d really benefit from making that a thing again:

NOTP: the opposite of an OTP (One True Pairing). It is a ship a fan strongly dislikes. The word is a portmanteau of ‘no’ and ‘OTP’ and thus is not a contraction of any particular phrase.

Squick: anything that is a deep-seated, visceral turn-off. Squicks may be shared by many fans or be specific to one; one person’s kink may be another person’s squick.

YKINMKATO, or kink-tomato: Your Kink Is Not My Kink, And That’s Okay: used to indicate support for fannish diversity and to distinguish between disapproval or kink shaming and simply having different taste.

DLDR: Don’t Like, Don’t Read: a phrase used to warn against complaints about an aspect of fic or meta. A “live and let live” philosophy of fandom, which places the responsability for avoiding content one doesn’t want to see on the side of the fanwork consumer, rather that on the creator’s.

SALS: Ship And Let Ship: similar to the above specifically about shipping tastes.

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary: a phrase used to acknowledge that any given individual’s personal opinion on the topic at hand may differ due to their own tastes, standards, values, experiences, etc.

As the OP points out, all of these crucially imply no moral judgment of what they’re designing.

(definitions lifted more or less wholesale from fanlore’s relevant pages)


bring the healthy fun back to fandom!


If ever a time comes when I don’t reblog this when it appears on my dash, assume I’m dead

fandom fandom history fandom acronyms fanfiction fanfic