Gojirahkiin's Madhouse (Posts tagged gyaos)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

“I would like to say there isn’t any recorded history of it…let’s just call it a monster.”




From Sonarama tie-in-book. A gyaos larvae


(obviously a ripoff of the meganulon’s original more molecricket like concept but still…wow. Sonorama bs or did Daiei work alot with them on this?)


Honestly this just makes me imagine a shared Toho/Daiei Showa era, and Rodan happens to be the natural predator of newborn Gyaos. It would even make slightly more sense for molecricket-meganulon/Gyaos larvae to be underground than the regular meganulon.

gyaos kaiju daikaiju visual reference fanfiction crossover fanfic reference Fanfics I'd Like to Exist Fanfics I Might Have to Write worldbuilding



Huh. So Iris did sort of make a cocoon to fuse with its host, but also at least part of the cocoon’s membranes were those weird tentacle flaps Iris later used to fly? Weird. Then again, lots of that movie was weird. Regardless, I’m glad to have finally seen a well-lit model of that thing.

Iris Gamera 3 gamera vs. iris gyaos visual reference kaiju daikaiju