Gojirahkiin's Madhouse (Posts tagged happiness)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna




they are casting a level 7 Healing spell


Video description: a child in pajamas is laying on top of several low shelves, which are covered in a mat and blanket. It is situated in front of a window front, and the sun shines through. There are seven cats in various positions on top of the child, one of them resting between their arms. Extremely loud purring is audible. End video description

Source: reddit.com
cute wholesome animals happy happiness sounds

I might be a little biased but I’m honestly starting to believe that there’s no purer form of love than the defensive spite you see from biologists that have devoted their life to the study of a maligned or misunderstood species. For example:

The hyena biologist that arranged for Disney animators to come sketch captive  hyenas for The Lion King film (Laurence Frank) was so incensed when the animals were depicted as villains in the movie that he later included boycotting the film on a list of ways the average person could help hyena conservation.

Though it’s commonly known that Charles Darwin’s distaste for parasitic wasps played a role in his development of evolution theory (since he felt no loving God would create animals with such a disturbing life cycle), the biologists who study these wasps find it an unfair characterization. When they were tasked with coming up with a common name for the family of parasitic wasps (Ichneumonidae) that old Charles so disliked, they proposed the name “Darwin Wasps” to spite the famous naturalist who had insulted their beloved family of insects.

Parasitologist Tommy Leung was so frustrated with the way people write about parasites to evoke horror and gore that he started writing a Parasite of the Day blog, that specifically avoids inflammatory or unsettling language to describe them. He also illustrates different species in colorful anime art on Twitter in a series called Parasite Monster Girls—which he calls his “love letter to parasites.”

I guess I’m just saying that if you’re a biologist studying an unpopular species and you have a little bit of a chip on your shoulder about it you can always count on me to be in your corner if you want to get a little petty with the public!



(ID: tags that read “when does a monster stop being a monster? when you love it”)

wholesome happy happiness

The Great Flamingo Uprising


I told this story to a few guildies a while back and decided to archive it in a longer format; so here is the story of The Great Flamingo Uprising of 2010 as told to me by my favorite cousin who was a keeper at the time.

In addition to the aviary/jungle exhibit, our zoo has several species of birds that pretty much have the run of the place.  They started with a small flock of flamingos and some free-range peacocks that I’m almost certain came from my old piano teacher’s farm.  She preferred them to chickens.  At some point in time they also acquired a pair of white swans (Or as I call them, “hellbirds”) and some ornamental asian duckies to decorate the pond next to the picnic area.  Pigeons, crows, assorted ducks and a large number of opportunistic Canada geese moved in on their own. 

Now; the ponds that dot the zoo property (I don’t remember how many there are but the one by the picnic area is the only one with swans) were also full of ginormous koi fish, some of whom by now are at least three feet long.  Sensing an opportunity to cash in on the koi, the zoo put up little vending machines all over the place that dispense handfuls of food pellets.  I swear to god the fish can hear the crank turning, and will show up at the nearest railing, blooping expectantly at whoever happens to be standing there and doing their best to appear starving and desperate. 


Like this.^  And they weren’t the only ones who learned to associate the sound with the imminent arrival of food.  The Canada geese knew a good deal when they saw one, and had long since ceased to migrate anyway.  They formed roving gangs of thug-geese and staked out their turf around the vending machines, ready to mug anyone with pocket change.  Picture yourself as a small child squaring off with a bird fully prepared to strip search you while standing on your feet and yelling “HWAAAAAKK!!” in your face.  It’s traumatizing to you and deeply hilarious to your parents.


The flamingos had their spot near the zoo entrance and never seemed to mind the presence of the other birds, as they kept themselves to themselves and didn’t really like the taste of fish pellets.  The problem lay in that their shrimp pond was close to a vending machine.  Ordinarily that wouldn’t have been an issue at all, but eventually the goose population grew large enough that one of the gangs decided to annex it.  Being territorial little shits, they would harass the poor flamingos any time they strayed within ten feet of it.  The flamingos tolerated this for years until one day they snapped collectively.  Here’s a summary of the incident in chronological order.

1.) It was a hot day, so everyone in question both human and avian, were cranky by the time the zoo even opened.
2.) A few flamingos (let’s call them The Jets) strayed into the radius of the vending machine and were immediately confronted by the indignant hissing geese (The Sharks)
3.) Possibly due to heat and the simple fact that the geese had been giant douchebags for far too long, the flamingos decided fuck it, this time they were going to FIGHT BACK DAMMIT, and swarmed the geese en mass.
4.) Chaos ensued.  The geese were outnumbered 4 to 1 but had the advantage of being able to scream for back-up. 
5.) Hearing the shrieking Canada geese and the bellowing of the enraged flamingos, the peacocks came to the conclusion that the apocalypse had come upon them and began to gather in the surrounding trees in droves and wail in despair.  Or cheer them on, whichever.
7.) Apparently one of the siege tactics employed by the geese is to shit explosively all over the sidewalks. Never in the grass. 
8.) The geese, having secured reinforcements from all over the zoo, went berserk and proceeded to attack EVERYBODY who had come to watch be they human or otherwise.
9.) The flamingos were chasing/being chased by the geese through the crowd accompanied by cheers/wails from the peacocks in the box seats.
10.) Complete pandemonium when the zoo tram became stalled on the tracks by the flamingo pond due to battling birds.  The Jets, sensing these were somehow reinforcements on the side of the Sharks, charged the tram.  Adults were doing the duck and cover.  So were the ducks.  Small children were screaming, adding to the noise.  People were slipping on goose shit and hitting the ground in the fetal position, only to be stampeded by the rampaging flamingos.
11.) The koi continued to bloop hopefully for food.
12.) Two of the geese were cornered by a rival gang of their own and were chased into the swan pond.  Cue slow-motion.
13.) The swans detected an enemy presence in their territory and by god, SOMEBODY was going to PAY. 
14.) The staff were having no luck in breaking up the fight and on the verge of giving up and just building another zoo elsewhere when the hellbirds stormed the battlefield, trumpeting battle-cries, to dispense feathered justice.  The staff promptly dropped their brooms and fled.
15.) The uprising was squashed in less than two minutes.  Number of casualties was unknown, feathers were flying everywhere and there was enough goose shit to build another bird.  One staff member had been knocked to the ground and was left with a melon sized bruise courtesy of one of the hellbirds.  Several children were traumatized, probably for life.  The zoo eventually removed the vending machine by the flamingos. 

The geese went back to being giant douchebags. Because geese.


I guarantee you this is the best thing you’ll read all week.


@gallusrostromegalus @elodieunderglass @bunjywunjy

I feel like the three of you IN PARTICULAR need to see this. Enjoy. 😊

the great flamingo uprising funny note to self: read this reading list happy happiness oddly specific tags

Cows are starting to be let out of their winter lodgings and we’ve been hearing cow bells in the distance for a couple of weeks now, it’s such a pleasant and summery sound. The pasture next to mine was still empty, but the owner came to check the fence and the water trough a few days ago, so I was expecting new neighbours imminently.

This morning I went on a walk with Pandolf and when we came home we could hear cow bells, but a lot more distinctly than before. I immediately went to check our neighbouring pasture, and




People who were around last year will probably remember how Pandolf feels about cows. They are his love and light. Cows give meaning to his life

He was vibrating with excitement but he still very obediently went around the pasture with me (so as not to startle the cows from behind) and waited until I said “vas-y !” to walk up to them.


The cow leader came to meet him halfway. It was all very civil and the rest of the herd looked completely chill so I let Pandolf run free, and


—he ran 3 enthusiastic circles around them to let them know he is a herding dog and he loves them and will protect them with his life, then started running full-speed all over the pasture in all directions just to exteriorise his IMMENSE DELIGHT. I was ready to call him if he freaked the cows out, but instead they looked at him curiously, then one cow started chasing him with equal zest and the entire herd followed.


This is the best day of Pandolf’s life.


The baby llamas on the other side of the fence looked cautiously intrigued, having never met a cow before. (You can maybe glimpse the cows in the middle-right of the below pic if you follow the babies’ eye line—they just kept staring and staring)


Pampelune: “Don’t spy on the neighbours, children, it’s rude.”

(She has to teach both kids manners because Pampe does not care to do that at all.)

I called Pandolf back so the neighbours could go back to ruminating in peace, and I was like “How do we feel about cows” and he looked at me like this

pandolf the sheepdog dog doggo happy happiness cute adorable wholesome
“ black-geek-supremacy:
“ strongorcbutch:
“ kropotkindersurprise:
“July 14 2019 - A woman deplatforms famous Brazilian Catholic priest Marcelo Rossi, who has called homosexuality a disease. [video]
She threw him so...

July 14 2019 - A woman deplatforms famous Brazilian Catholic priest Marcelo Rossi, who has called homosexuality a disease. [video]


She threw him so hard he bounced! Damn this is satisfying to watch on a loop.


That’s fucking funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


i like how this is the first time i’ve seen “deplatform” used in the most LITERAL sense

wholesome happy happiness

Muppet Fact #255

Once filming had concluded for Muppet Treasure Island, Tim Curry, who played Long John Silver, was gifted a Muppet caricature of himself as a gift.



Muppet Treasure Island. 1996. 2002 DVD release special features. "Hidden Treasure" video clip commentary. "Tim and Him."

"Tim & Him - Tim Curry & His Muppet Likeness Discuss Muppet Treasure Island." Tim Curry News. Facebook. September 4, 2020.

"Tim Curry Muppet." Muppet Wiki.

funny happy happiness

Rating: Cute!

Goslings of domesticated geese (don't quote me because I'm not 100%, but this looks like maybe an embden gosling, which is your pretty common white farm goose) generally make great hand-raised birds. This baby is just following her daddy around. She looks healthy, and has not been placed on any danger. Her vocalizations are not distress vocalizations.

For the record, the hardwood is my favorite. Plap plap plap plap plap


For the record, the

hardwood is my favorite.

Plap plap plap plap plap

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

cute adorable sounds happy happiness

I’d like to know what the first person to put human clothing on a dog was thinking


like were dogs even dogs yet or did someone manage to squeeze a particularly patient tamed wolf into a leather shirt and then howl with laughter as it trotted around the cooking fires dressed like Uncle Urg begging for food scraps


the wolf started running backwards in circles trying to get out of Uncle Urg’s shirt and everyone is laughing so hard that the sleeping children and young mothers and old folk wake and come out of their hide huts and observe First Funny Dog galloping around in the moonlight, and a tradition is born


There was a brief but decisive evolutionary bottleneck of canines that begrudgingly allowed homo-chimps to live after sticking them in a corset.


“Will you flush game for me, Wolf, when I go hunting the wild things beneath the trees?” asked Human.

“I will,” said Wolf, “If only you leave me the bones and scraps of meat from your kills.”

“That is well,” said Human. “And will you use your ears and eyes and nose to guard me while I rest, and warn me when lions prowl too near?”

“I will,” said Wolf, “If only you let me lie in the warmth of your cooking-fires.”

“But of course,” said Human. “And will you do as I command, and follow me wherever I go, and love my children and grandchildren as you would love your own?”

“I will,” said Wolf, “If only you scratch me where my claws cannot reach, and pet me, and heal my injuries when I am wounded.”

“Always,” said Human. “And will you let me dress you up in funny clothes, and dance around, and do little tricks for me to laugh at?”

Wolf hesitated, and eyed Human warily for some time, weighing its choices. “That depends,” it said. “Will you tell me I’m a good boy?”

Human smiled. “The goodest boy,” it said.

Dog wagged its tail, and Wolf was no more.


I’ve reblogged it before, and I’ll say it again: this prose is right up there with Kipling’s Just So Stories. A modern literary masterpiece. I feel compelled to make an illuminated manuscript of it.


I’d like this in calligraphy. I’d put it in next to my other silly decor: “May Godzilla destroy this home last.”

silliness funny happy happiness wholesome